Skip to Search Results- 72Hindle, Abram
- 30Wakaruk, Amanda
- 24McNally, Michael B.
- 21Mukherjee, Ayantika
- 18Campbell, Sandy
- 18Susan Chaudoir
- 153University of Alberta Library
- 124Toolkit for Grant Success
- 94Toolkit for Grant Success/Educational Materials (Toolkit for Grant Success)
- 71Computing Science, Department of
- 71Computing Science, Department of/Conference Papers (Computing Science)
- 60University of Alberta Library/Libraries Staff Presentations
De Pauw, Jane - Research Facilitator, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Simala-Grant, Joanne - Director, CIHR Special Project
Grant applications require review and approval by the Department, Faculty, and Institution. Jane De Pauw (Research Facilitator, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry) presented suggestions as to what actions will ensure quick review and approval and what issues stall approval.
Frechette, Jessica, Ratcliffe, Caitlin, Schamuhn Kirk, Deborah
Last summer, we chose to complete an LIS study abroad program offered by the University of Southern Mississippi and based on-site in the United Kingdom. This cross-cultural experience broadened our perspective of library services and challenged us to develop new ways of thinking as we immersed...
Newton, Fraser, Kouritzin, Michael
A CAPTCHA is an automatically generated test designed to distinguish between humans and computer programs; specifically, they are designed to be easy for humans but difficult for computer programs to pass in order to prevent the abuse of resources by automated bots. They are commonly seen...
Choudhury, M. A. A. Shoukat, Halim, Enayet B., Zuo, Ming J., Shah, Sirish L.
The vibration signal carries the signature of faults in most rotating equipments, and early fault detection is possible by analyzing the signal using different signal processing techniques. In this paper we consider a gearbox as a typical representation of a rotating or cyclo-stationary process....
Choosing Negative Feedback Improves Learning for Students of All Ages: A Game-based Assessment of Seeking Negative Feedback and Revising
This research examines the effect of age on students’ choices to seek negative feedback and to revise, as well as on students’ learning based on these choices. We designed Posterlet, an assessment game that measures the choices to seek negative feedback and to revise. In this study, 764 students...
Anna Wilson Disability in the Academy and Academic Library Profession
Anna Wilson, University of Alberta The United Nations guiding principles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities includes non- discrimination, full participation, and inclusion in society. Unfortunately, many scholars with disabilities are not represented in the academic and...
Macdonald, S. E., Schmiegelow, F. K. A., Shepherd, L.
Abstract: Woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) populations in Jasper (JNP) and Banff National Parks (BNP) have declined since the 1970s, coincident with reduced fire activity in both parks, relative to historic levels. Some researchers have suggested that long periods without fire may...