Communities and Collections

  • Academic Writing Resources and Research

    The University of Alberta provides a variety of writing supports that are accessible, learner-centered, relevant, and responsive to the community's diverse needs.

    • ACCES Research Group

      The Alberta Continuing Care Epidemiological Studies (ACCES) was a province-wide research program involving over 2,000 older adults residing in designated assisted/supportive living facilities (DAL) and in long-term care facilities (LTC) between 2006 and 2009, their family caregivers, and the facilities in which they lived. The objectives of ACCES were: a) to examine the health, social needs, and quality of care of older adults in DAL and LTC facilities in Alberta, b) to identify the mix of services provided to these residents, including assistance from family caregivers, and c) to examine health outcomes across settings, taking resident and facility characteristics into account.

      • Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, Department of

        The Department of Agricultural, Food, and Nutritional Science offers thesis programs leading to Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees, as well as course-based programs leading to Master of Agriculture, Master of Engineering and Master of Science degrees. The Department has active research programs in the following areas of specialization: Animal Science, Plant Science, Food Science and Technology, Nutrition and Metabolism, Bioresource and Food Engineering, Rangeland and Wildlife Resources and Bioresource Technology

        • Agricultural, Life, and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of

          The Faculty of ALES is where global challenges are met with innovative solutions. Every day, world-class research is conducted by the finest minds in the natural sciences, social sciences and business.
          While we are one of the oldest faculties on campus, our cross disciplinary approach, and commitment to excellence, positions us uniquely to provide solutions to some of the world’s most complex problems.

          • Alberta Centre for Active Living

            The Alberta Centre for Active Living is a key advocate of physical activity and physical activity expertise, and a primary source of research and education on physical activity for practitioners, organizations and decision-makers. The Centre's mandate is to improve the health and quality of life for all people through physical activity.

            • Alberta Centre for Reclamation and Restoration Ecology (ACRRE)

              Alberta Centre for Reclamation and Restoration Ecology offers workable, scientific solutions for the reclamation and restoration of degraded ecosystems. ACRRE is a network of experts with a wide range of knowledge in all facets of land reclamation and restoration. The University of Alberta's Alberta Centre for Reclamation and Restoration Ecology (ACRRE) acts as a hub for the creation of top-tier research initiatives in the conservation and sustainable management of water, soils, plants, and wildlife and the training of professionals in the field of natural resources, Along with work at the intersection of social, economic, and environmental policies.

              • Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR)

                AHFMR was established by Government of Alberta in 1980, supported by the AHFMR Endowment, designed to support medical research. On January 1, 2010, became Alberta Innovates – Health Solutions.

                • Anthropology, Department of

                  Anthropology is the study of humans, especially of their origin, their behaviour and their physical, social and cultural development. The Department of Anthropology aims to advance the knowledge of who we are, how we came to be that way, and where we may go in the future. The department supports five museum collections as a critical part of the scholarly experience.

                  • Art and Design, Department of

                    The Department of Art and Design is devoted to the practice, the history, and the theory of the visual arts and design. Comprising three divisions—Design Studies, Fine Arts, and the History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture (HADVC)—its rich complement of faculty and staff provides students in its undergraduate and graduate programs with one of the best university educations available in North America.

                    • Art/Research International

                      Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal provides a forum dedicated to exploring and advancing art within the research process across disciplines and internationally. Its aim is to advance arts-based research, arts-based educational research, a/r/tography, arts-informed inquiry and other approaches to research that use the creative arts during the inquiry or representation of research findings. Art/Research International is an online, peer reviewed, open-access journal found here:

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