Skip to Search Results- 2Atai, Ali Asghar.
- 2Belay, Tsegay
- 2Bhaduri,Swayamdipta
- 2Brenneis, Dylan
- 2Carrigy, Nicholas B.
- 2Chen, Jie
Voxel-Based Iterative Registration Method using Phase Correlations for Three-Dimensional Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Acquired Images
DownloadFall 2016
In orthodontics superimposition is an important technique allowing for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. Lower radiation, three-dimensional, cone-beam computed tomography allows for acquisition of three-dimensional patient scans. New superimposition methods are used compared to the...
Fall 2016
This thesis is an experimental investigation using optical methods to study atomization of fuel injectors for IC engines using a dual fuel mixture involving diesel and gasoline blends, which is called "dieseline". Experiments were executed in a heated pressurized optical chamber which simulated...
Fall 2023
This thesis aims at improving robot perception for autonomous navigation in highly dynamic environments. In the first part of this research, a fixed frame visual localization method utilizing a fisheye monocular camera is proposed to enhance the navigation accuracy for autonomous mobile robots in...
Fall 2023
In this work, a novel visual navigation method is proposed to estimate the state of mobile and fixed cold-spray material deposition systems using a stereocamera sensor installed in the workspace. Unlike other visual localization algorithms that exploit costly onboard sensors such as LiDARs or...
Fall 2017
Vision-based algorithms designed to detect and track UAVs from an onboard moving platform have been the focus of active and extensive research over the last decade, and dozens of algorithms have been tested, compared and optimized. However, the existing approaches tend to rely on specific...
Fall 2018
This thesis work concerns the viscous fingering instability occurring during immiscible fluid-fluid displacement experiments using a novel radially-tapered fluidic cell. We use modified Hele-Shaw cells where a negative depth gradient is introduced by tapering the upper plate, so that the gap...