Skip to Search Results- 477Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
- 2Department of Biological Sciences
- 2Department of Mechanical Engineering
- 1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 1Department of Computing Science
- 1Department of Public Health Sciences
- 7Frei, Christoph (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 7Hillen, Thomas (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 7Kong, Linglong (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 7Lewis, Mark (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 6Han, Bin (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 6Kashlak, Adam (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
Spring 2015
For a smooth projective variety defined over a number field, Beilinson (and independently Bloch) constructed a `height' pairing under very reasonable assumptions and with a number of conjectural properties. A folklore conjecture related to this pairing states that the rational Griffiths...
Fall 2021
Topological Recursion began its life as a series of recursive equations aimed at solving constraints which occur in matrix models of Quantum Field Theory. After its inception, Topological Recursion was given a more abstract formulation in terms of Quantum Airy Structures and has since been of...
Fall 2019
One of the main difficulties in extending Macdonald’s theory of spherical functions from p-adic Chevalley groups to p-adic Kac-Moody groups is the absence of Haar measure in the infinite dimensional case. Related to this problem is the question of how to generalize the integral defining...
Fall 2013
In this thesis, two robust and efficient methods of estimation are examined in dose-response studies context. In particular, we investigate the minimum Hellinger distance estimation and symmetric chi-squared distance methods of estimation. We support our theoretical results with extensive finite...
Fall 2012
The main goal of this thesis is to explore various applications of persistent homology in statistical analysis of point-cloud data. In the introduction, after a brief historical overview, we provide some of the underlying concepts of persistence. Starting from Chapter 2 the focus is on analysis...
Fall 2021
Risk can be decomposed along two dimensions: risk allocation and risk attribution. On the one hand, the total risk of a company can be allocated to its divisions, using that the company’s profit/loss is the sum of the divisions’ profits/losses. On the other hand, risk is attributed to risk...
Numerical simulation of Ricci flow on a class of manifolds with non-essential minimal surfaces
DownloadFall 2011
In the last three decades, the Ricci flow has proved to be an extremely useful tool in mathematics and physics. We explore numerically the long time existence of the Ricci-DeTurck flow and the List flow for a one-parameter family of Riemannian manifolds with non-essential minimal surfaces. This...