Research Publications (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
Items in this Collection
- 55Mark A. Lewis
- 48Lewis, Mark A.
- 31Kouritzin, Michael
- 7Jonathan R. Potts
- 6Krkošek, Martin
- 6Stephanie J. Peacock
- 151Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Department of
- 151Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Department of/Research Publications (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 109Biological Sciences, Department of
- 109Biological Sciences, Department of/Journal Articles (Biological Sciences)
- 12The NSERC TRIA Network (TRIA-Net)
- 12The NSERC TRIA Network (TRIA-Net)/Journal Articles (TRIA-Net)
Stephanie J. Peacock, Andrew W. Bateman, Martin Krkosek, Mark A. Lewis
The dynamics of coupled populations have mostly been studied in the context of metapopulation viability with application to, for example, species at risk. However, when considering pests and pathogens, eradication, not persistence, is often the end goal. Humans may intervene to control nuisance...
Pachepsky, E., Lewis, Mark A., Lutscher, F.
Individuals in streams are constantly subject to predominantly unidirectional flow. The question of how these populations can persist in upper stream reaches is known as the “drift paradox.” We employ a general mechanistic movement-model framework and derive dispersal kernels for this situation....
Frithjof Lutscher, Elizaveta Pachepsky, Mark A. Lewis
Individuals in streams are constantly subject to predominantly unidirectional flow. The question of how these populations can persist in upper stream reaches is known as the “drift paradox.” We employ a general mechanistic movement-model framework and derive dispersal kernels for this situation....
The impact of water storage capacity on plant dynamics in arid environments: a stoichiometric modeling approach
Wang, Cuihua, Yuan, Sanling, Wang, Hao
Abstract from Author: "Plants in arid environments have evolved many strategies to resist drought. Among them, the developed water storage tissue is an essential characteristic of xerophytes. To clarify the role of water storage capacity in plant performance, we originally formulate a...
In this work we will construct the table of irreducible characters for the group of unitary 2 x 2 matrices over a finite field. The table and the methods for its construction will show interesting connections to the table and methods of construction of the table of irreducible characters for the...
Lewis, Mark A., Owen, Markus R.
High-frequency ventilation isa radical departure from conventional lung ventilation, with frequenciesgreater than 2Hz, and volumesp er breath much smaller than the anatomical deadspace. Its use has been shown to benefit premature infants and patients with severe respiratory distress, but a vital...
Goodsman, Devin W., Lewis, Mark A.
Dispersal can push population density below strong Allee thresholds ensuring the demise of small founding populations. As a result, for isolated populations of dispersing organisms, the minimum founding population size that enables establishment can be quite different from the Allee threshold. 2....
Kim, Surrey, Kouritzin, Michael, Ballantyne, David
Particle-based nonlinear filters have proven to be effective and versatile methods for computing approximations to difficult filtering problems. We introduce a novel hybrid particle method, thought to possess an excellent compromise between the unadaptive nature of the weighted particle methods...
Fagan, William F., Lewis, Mark A., Neubert, Michael G., Aumann, Craig, Apple, Jennifer L., Bishop, John G.
Here we study the spatial dynamics of a coinvading consumer‐resource pair. We present a theoretical treatment with extensive empirical data from a long‐studied field system in which native herbivorous insects attack a population of lupine plants recolonizing a primary successional landscape...
Melodie Kunegel-Lion, Devin W. Goodsman, Mark A. Lewis
In this study, we explore how the functional response framework can be imple- mented in pest management. Here, managers take the role of predators foraging on pests and facing monetary costs for survey and control in a spatial domain where the pest distribution and control strategy do not have to...