Research Publications (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
Items in this Collection
- 55Mark A. Lewis
- 48Lewis, Mark A.
- 31Kouritzin, Michael
- 7Jonathan R. Potts
- 6Krkošek, Martin
- 6Stephanie J. Peacock
- 150Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Department of
- 150Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Department of/Research Publications (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 109Biological Sciences, Department of
- 109Biological Sciences, Department of/Journal Articles (Biological Sciences)
- 12The NSERC TRIA Network (TRIA-Net)
- 12The NSERC TRIA Network (TRIA-Net)/Journal Articles (TRIA-Net)
A body composition model to estimate mammalian energy stores and metabolic rates from body mass and body length, with application to polar bears
Derocher, Andrew E., Klanjscek, Tin, Molnár, Péter K., Lewis, Mark A., Obbard, Martyn E.
Many species experience large fluctuations in food availability and depend on energy from fat and protein stores for survival, reproduction and growth. Body condition and, more specifically, energy stores thus constitute key variables in the life history of many species. Several indices exist to...
We identify seven-tone (heptatonic) scales as a sequence of minor and major thirds, where we use a zero to indicate a minor third and a one for a major third. Each proper seven-tone scale is then represented by a {0,1}-sequence of length seven. On these {0,1}-sequences we define group operations...
Frédéric M. Hamelin, Mark A. Lewis
In this paper, elements of differential game theory are used to analyze a spatially explicit home range model for interactingwolf packs when movement behavior is uncertain. The model consists of a system of partial differential equations whose parameters reflect the movement behavior of...
Vlastimil Kˇrivan, Mark Lewis, Barbara J. Bentz, Sharon Bewick, Suzanne M. Lenhart, Andrew Liebhold
Tree-killing bark beetles are major disturbance agents affecting coniferous forest ecosystems. The role of environmental conditions on driving beetle outbreaks is becoming increasingly important as global climatic change alters environmental factors, such as drought stress, that, in turn, govern...
A framework for analyzing the robustness of movement models to variable step discretization
Schlägel, Ulrike E, Lewis, Mark A.
When sampling animal movement paths, the frequency at which location measurements are attempted is a critical feature for data analysis. Important quantities derived from raw data, e.g. travel distance or sinuosity, can differ largely based on the temporal resolution of the data. Likewise, when...
A general theory for target reproduction numbers with applications to ecology and epidemiology
Mark A. Lewis, Zhisheng Shuai, P. van den Driessche
A general framework for threshold parameters in population dynamics is developed using the concept of target reproduction numbers. This framework identies reproduction numbers and other threshold parameters in the literature in terms of their roles in population control. The framework is applied...
A generalized residual technique for analysing complex movement models using earth mover's distance.
Potts, Jonathan R, Marie Auger-M´eth´e, Karl Mokross, Mark A. Lewis
Complex systems of moving and interacting objects are ubiquitous in the natural and social sciences. Predicting their behaviour often requires models that mimic these systems with sufficient accuracy, while accounting for their inherent stochasticity. Although tools exist to determine which of a...
Wu, B., Newton, F., Kouritzin, Michael A.
A new class of discrete random fields designed for quick simulation and covariance inference under inhomogenous conditions is introduced and studied. Simulation of these correlated fields can be done in a single pass instead of relying on multi-pass convergent methods like the Gibbs Sampler or...
While some species spread upstream in river environments, not all invasive species are successful in spreading upriver. Here the dynamics of unidirectional water flow found in rivers can play a role in determining invasion success. We develop a continuous-discrete hybrid benthic-drift population...
A hybrid gravity and route choice model to assess vector traffic in large-scale road networks
S. M. Fischer, M. Beck, L.-M. Herborg, M. A. Lewis
Human traffic along roads can be a major vector for infectious diseases and invasive species. Though most road traffic is local, a small number of long-distance trips can suffice to move an invasion or disease front forward. Therefore, understanding how many agents travel over long distances and...