Skip to Search Results- 2Atai, Ali Asghar.
- 2Belay, Tsegay
- 2Bhaduri,Swayamdipta
- 2Brenneis, Dylan
- 2Carrigy, Nicholas B.
- 2Chen, Jie
Response and Recovery of Turbulent Pipeflow Past Wall Changes Targeting Distinct Azimuthal Fourier Modes
DownloadFall 2021
This study focuses on numerical evaluation of the response and recovery of turbulent pipe flow to three-dimensional perturbed wall changes at a range of Reynolds numbers. These perturbations (pipe inserts) were designed based on distinct azimuthal Fourier modes corresponding to $m=3$ (Case I),...
Fall 2018
The phenomena of droplet spreading and imbibition has widespread application in membrane science. It is widely believed that the membrane flux increases with greater hydrophilicity. In porous membranes, the spreading and permeation occur at the same time, and these separate but competitive...
Design and Development of a New Model for Predicting the Mechanical Properties of Three-Dimensional Braided Composite Materials
DownloadFall 2018
Three-dimensional (3D) braided composite materials have been used in the transportation, aviation, and military applications because of their many beneficial attributes. Included in these attributes is their increased through thickness properties that make them an idea replacement for composites...
Fall 2016
Local surface force density and total surface force induced by a single point charge embedded in a three-layered homogeneous dielectric system with infinite planar interfaces are calculated using the Maxwell Stress Tensor formulation. The tensor is expressed in terms of the electric field which...
Employee Attitudes on Corporate Social Responsibility at the Frontline Level of an Energy Transportation Company
DownloadSpring 2014
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) reflects the commitment businesses voluntarily undertake to integrate ethical behaviors and societal matters within their operating contexts, decision-making processes, strategies and corporate values while simultaneously maximizing economic objectives. As...
An open-source two-phase non-isothermal mathematical model of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell
DownloadSpring 2014
A comprehensive open-source two-phase non-isothermal MEA model including the microporous layer and accounting for multi-step reaction kinetics for the ORR and HOR is developed for the first time. The model is integrated into openFCST, an open-source FEM based fuel cell simulation framework. All...
Fall 2021
The near wake behind the Ahmed body at zero-yaw has been extensively studied in the past, but comparatively little is known about the changes in the wake flow patterns during crossflow. Measurements of the near wake of a square-back Ahmed body were obtained at a Reynolds Number of ReH = 9.2104...