Skip to Search Results- 2Abdi Oskouie, Mina
- 2Birkbeck, Neil Aylon Charles
- 2Cai, Zhipeng
- 2Chen, Jiyang
- 2Chowdhury, Md Solimul
- 2Chubak, Pirooz
- 83Machine Learning
- 76Reinforcement Learning
- 42Artificial Intelligence
- 37Machine learning
- 24Natural Language Processing
- 23reinforcement learning
Spring 2021
This thesis investigates the use of general value functions for detecting anomalous behavior in machines. Identifying abnormal behavior is critical for ensuring the safety and reliability of any machine or industrial process. When the cause of these anomalies is due to accumulated wear on...
Fall 2023
The average-reward formulation is a natural and important formulation of learning and planning problems, yet has received much less attention than the episodic and discounted formulations. This dissertation makes three areas of contributions to algorithms and their theories concerning the...
Interrelating Prediction and Control Objectives in Episodic Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning
DownloadFall 2020
The reinforcement learning framework provides a simple way to study computational intelligence as the interaction between an agent and an environment. The goal of an agent is to accrue as much reward as possible by intelligently choosing actions given states. This problem of finding a policy that...
Spring 2021
This thesis evaluated Convoultional LSTM (ConvLSTM) for frame prediction to help better understand motion in neural networks. Three different neural networks were implemented and trained. The three networks included, the original ConvLSTM paper by Shi et al. [35], the Spatio-Temporal network by...
Detecting and correcting typing errors in open-domain knowledge graphs using semantic representation of entities
DownloadFall 2019
Large and accurate Knowledge Graphs (KGs) are often used as a source of structured knowledge in many natural language processing (NLP) tasks, including question-answering systems, conversational agents, information integration, named entity recognition, document ranking, among others. Various...
Fall 2013
A type-based alias analysis uses the types of variables in a program to assist in determining the alias relations of those variables. The C standard imposes restrictions on the types of expressions that may access objects in memory, with the explicit intent of specifying when two objects may be...
Spring 2014
Counting unique number of people in a video (i.e., counting a person only once while the person passes through the field of view (FOV)), is required in many video analytic applications, such as transit passenger and pedestrian volume count in railway stations, malls and road intersections, aid...