Literacy Learning in Playful Spaces: Using Multimodal Strategies to Develop Narrative with Young Learners
- Author(s) / Creator(s)
SSHRC Awarded IDG 2011: The initial two-year phase of the project is primarily interested in examining the possibilities for using touch screen (ipad) technologies with young learners when they are used as a means to facilitate the creation, modification and use of children’s own multimodal texts. The proposed research has five general objectives. First, it aims to develop a new pedagogical approach for teaching narrative skills that combine digital technologies, drama, and children’s literature to extend students’ capacities of reading, creating, and interpreting narrative. Second, it will examine the digital media and “new literacy” skills and understandings that children bring to school. Third, it aims to investigate innovative approaches coming from early childhood education, through the preschool programs of Reggio Emilia, in concert with emerging theories of innovation within complexity science. Fourth, the project intends to develop a new model of working within classroom educational research, involving a master teacher as a collaborator and partner in the proposed project. Finally, through the proposed work of the project, we intend to develop, document and evaluate teaching and research practices emerging from the data of this research.
- Date created
- 2011-01-31
- Subjects / Keywords
- Successful SSHRC Application
- Literature
- Learning Theories
- Pedagogy
- Reggio Emilia
- Language Theories
- Digital Media
- Young Learners
- Complexity Science
- 2011
- Touch Screen
- Innovation
- Curriculum Studies
- New Literacy
- iPad
- Child
- Insight Development Grant
- Critical Reading
- Writing
- Narrative Skills
- Literacy
- Reading
- Teaching Methods
- Early Childhood Education
- Alberta
- Type of Item
- Research Material
- License
- © Laidlaw, Linda. All rights reserved other than by permission.