Module Materials
This collection contains copies of module videos, transcripts, and PowerPoint slides from the Opening Up Copyright (OUC) instructional module series.
Items in this Collection
- 35Copyright
- 35Instructional modules
- 5Fair dealing
- 3Droit d'auteur
- 3Module d'enseignement
- 1Alberta Education
La création et le partage de matériel protégé par le droit d’auteur dans le contexte de la M-12
Wakaruk, Amanda, McNally, Michael
Objectifs d’apprentissage: Identifier les protections du droit d'auteur qui s'appliquent aux œuvres des élèves créées dans le contexte éducatif de la maternelle à la 12e année; Reconnaître que diverses licences, redevances et autorisations des créateurs, en plus des règles canadiennes en matière...
Wakaruk, Amanda, McNally, Michael
Objectifs d’apprentissage: Décrire le rôle que joue le CMEC, le Conseil des ministres de l'éducation du Canada, en ce qui concerne le droit d'auteur et les écoles; Identifier les ressources du CMEC pour les enseignants qui fournissent des conseils sur l'utilisation de matériel protégé par le...
Wakaruk, Amanda, McNally, Michael
Learning Objectives: Explain why licensed library resources are only accessible to members of the library’s parent organization or community; Describe the role of publishing and licence agreements in relation to licensed library resources; Recognize how the future of scholarly publishing is...
Wakaruk, Amanda, McNally, Michael
Learning Objectives: Identify the four important considerations for dealing with copyright concerns in makerspaces; Understand the relevance of the non-commercial user-generated content exception to makerspace activity; Describe the limitations on creative activity in makerspaces imposed by...
Wakaruk, Amanda, McNally, Michael
Learning Objectives: Define the two key components of moral rights; Compare and contrast moral rights with economic rights in copyright; Recognize what constitutes an infringement of moral rights; Understand the limitations of Canadian approach to moral rights for protecting Indigenous knowledge.
Wakaruk, Amanda, McNally, Michael
Learning Objectives: Describe and recount the arguments in the Nintendo v. Go Cyber case; Recognize how a broad interpretation of protections and a limited interpretation of exceptions was applied in this case
Wakaruk, Amanda, McNally, Michael
Learning Objectives: Describe the nature of open licensing systems; Provide an overview of the GNU Public License and the Creative Commons license systems; Explain how open licenses can be used to improve the visibility and impact of copyright-protected works.
Wakaruk, Amanda, McNally, Michael
Learning Objectives: Describe the goals of the Opening Up Copyright series; Identify resources for learning more about Canadian copyright; Understand how to navigate the Opening Up Copyright series.
Wakaruk, Amanda, McNally, Michael
Learning Objectives: Understand the relationship between copyright and other intellectual property; Identify where a copyright issue or concern may also involve trademark, patent or industrial design issues; List the types of intellectual property protection in Canada.
Wakaruk, Amanda, McNally, Michael
Learning Objectives: Understand the responsibilities of librarians and libraries when providing copying services and self-service copiers; Demonstrate an understanding of the balance between rights holders and users of copyright-protected materials in a library setting; Understand the role of...