Skip to Search Results- 60Forum for Information Professionals
- 11Forum for Information Professionals/FIP 2019
- 11Forum for Information Professionals/FIP 2015
- 11Forum for Information Professionals/FIP 2018
- 10Forum for Information Professionals/FIP 2017
- 9Forum for Information Professionals/FIP 2020
- 5FIP2016
- 5Information behavior
- 3Academic libraries
- 3Digital humanities
- 2Children's libraries
- 2Intellectual Freedom
A high percentage of adults in western and developed nations live with low levels of print literacy which can negatively impact their physical and mental health, relationships with family and their community, as well as their economic well-being. Despite programming, educational opportunities and...
Exploring Knowledge Needs in a Non-Profit Student Group – Discussing the Knowledge Sources, Pathways, and Users in a Newspaper Setting
The purpose of this poster is to study the knowledge needs of non-profit student newspaper editors and offer Knowledge Management (KM) recommendations on existing systems. This poster is original research that explores non-profit student newspaper groups. The methodology used for this study was a...
Using Artificial Neural Networks to Create and Assign Subject Headings to New Publications: A Review of the Literature
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are complex systems of hardware and software that mimic intuitive learning and decision-making based on pattern recognition. Mathematical formulae are used to assign weights to each factor being evaluated for a decision. This review examines existing literature...
How Project Management Theory Improves Program and Event Planning in the Library: Science Literacy Week as a Case Study
To expand on the successful 2016 pilot, the University of Alberta Libraries combined giveaways with live demonstrations, experiments and tutorials to deliver over 50 events for Science Literacy Week 2017. Many of these presentations incorporated a non-traditional outreach and partnership plan...
Words That Start With E and Other Reasons for Librarians to Fight Climate Change and Climate Change Denial
Ecology, economy, equity. Exemplars, educators, enablers. Librarianship centres around the values of community-building, access to information, and advocating for the public good, and so librarians are poised to be leaders when it comes to environmentally-friendly and sustainable practices and...
Oral Histories and the Library notes
The slide deck and notes for a presentation given by School of Library and Information Studies student Richard Bee at the Forum for Information Professionals 2016 conference.
Resilient or Resistant Librarians?: An Exploration of "Resilience" Discourses In Contemporary Librarianship
This presentation explores discourses of "resilience" in contemporary librarianship, analyzing the term using excerpts from "Resilient Life: The Art of Living Dangerously" by Brad Evans and Julian Reid. What might it mean about this historical moment in librarianship - and in society at large -...
This presentation is a one-act play about erotic adaptations of Alice in Wonderland, and other children’s stories. The play takes place in a branch library, a setting where deep discussions, obscure knowledge, and comedy collide. The library staff are working on a new library exhibit, and have to...