Skip to Search Results- 477Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
- 2Department of Biological Sciences
- 2Department of Mechanical Engineering
- 1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 1Department of Computing Science
- 1Department of Public Health Sciences
- 7Frei, Christoph (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 7Hillen, Thomas (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 7Kong, Linglong (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 7Lewis, Mark (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 6Han, Bin (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 6Kashlak, Adam (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
Fall 2024
Let Cat(oo,oo) denote the (oo,1)-category of (oo,oo)-categories with weakly inductive equivalences. The main objective of this thesis is to demonstrate that Cat(oo,oo) satisfies universal properties with respect to homotopy-coherent internalisation and enrichment. To achieve these universal...
Fall 2024
In this thesis, we explore the spatial dynamics of viral infection within tissue through mathematical modelling, aiming to understand the impact of virus spread on both cancerous and healthy tissue. Specifically, we investigate how spatial patterning and heterogeneity influence viral infection...
Bayesian hierarchical modeling and its applications to clustering and data privacy preservation
DownloadFall 2024
The evolution of data acquisition technologies and the exponential growth in computing capabilities have inaugurated an epoch wherein researchers are empowered to procure data of unprecedented dimensionality and complexity. Simultaneously, Bayesian hierarchical models distinguish themselves as...
Statistical Learning and Inference For Functional Predictor Models via Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
DownloadFall 2024
Functional regression is a cornerstone for understanding complex relationships where predictors or responses (or both) are functions. A particularly powerful framework within this domain is the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS), which facilitates the handling of infinite-dimensional data...
In this thesis, we investigate the formation and movement of self-organizing collectives of animals in homogeneous environments. For this, we propose a general modeling framework that incorporates how individuals perceive information from neighbors, and the amount of information perceived. In...
Fall 2021
The majority of known examples of fusion categories come directly from classical structures -- vector spaces, groups, representations, and the like. In recent years the technique of constructing fusion categories as endomorphisms on Cuntz algebras was developed and has already lead to completely...