Skip to Search Results- 60Forum for Information Professionals
- 11Forum for Information Professionals/FIP 2019
- 11Forum for Information Professionals/FIP 2015
- 11Forum for Information Professionals/FIP 2018
- 10Forum for Information Professionals/FIP 2017
- 9Forum for Information Professionals/FIP 2020
- 5FIP2016
- 5Information behavior
- 3Academic libraries
- 3Digital humanities
- 2Children's libraries
- 2Intellectual Freedom
Knowledge Management Systems in Academic and Government Settings and Content Generation Methods
This poster presentation compares how the University of Alberta Libraries and Service Alberta creates and manages its Content Management Solutions (CMSs). The CMSs for both organizations are contained in knowledge repositories that are updated manually by authorized individuals. As the body of...
Library Services for Incarcerated Youth: Allowing for Literacy in a Marginalized Population
Traditional library outreach and the more recent trend of community-led librarianship are significant ways public librarians serve the information needs of marginalized populations, paying special attention to the core library values of diversity, intellectual freedom, and social responsibility....
Allison Easton, Katherine Wells
In this presentation, we discuss some of the information needs that refugees experience in refugee camps, based on a literature review. We aim to identify both the ways that refugees are meeting these information needs, as well as services that might partner with refugees in order to improve...
Oral Histories and the Library notes
The slide deck and notes for a presentation given by School of Library and Information Studies student Richard Bee at the Forum for Information Professionals 2016 conference.
Oral Histories and the Library slides
The slide deck and notes for a presentation given by School of Library and Information Studies student Richard Bee at the Forum for Information Professionals 2016 conference.
Third-party sexual harassment, perpetrated against employees by individuals external to their employing organization, is a serious and all too common issue faced by employees in service-oriented occupations. This includes sexual harassment of library employees by library patrons. Studies in...
This research presents the findings regarding digital trends within libraries, using Pokémon Go as a case study. It aims to add understanding as to why digital trends and keeping up with them are vital to all library systems and also to provide insight into how libraries can adopt future digital...
Engaging reluctant readers is a common topic among library professionals as the literary lives of young people appear to be changing or declining. Although much research has already been conducted about the nature of reluctant readers, there is little on how to combat it and even less on...
Even as we understand the labour, health, and environmental hazards of the technology industry, it increasingly roots itself in our daily lives and modes of being. The library space and services has likewise shifted to meet these changing needs, while still holding core values in sustainability...