Capstone Projects & Reports (Master of Science in Internetworking (MINT))
Contains capstone projects and related materials submitted by graduates of the Master of Science in Internetworking (MINT) program.
Items in this Collection
- 35Noonari, Juned (Supervisor)
- 32MacGregor, Mike (Supervisor)
- 13Rogers, Leonard (Supervisor)
- 10Nanda, Gurpreet (Supervisor)
- 9Kaur, Sandeep (Supervisor)
- 7MacGregor, Mike (Advisor)
- 21Cloud computing
- 18Computer networks
- 14Computer network protocols
- 14Computer security
- 12Internet of things
- 11Software-defined networking (Computer network technology)
A smart grid is the modernization of power grid for automation of energy, where transmission, distribution, power generation, utilization, and management are fully upgraded to ultra-high speed and low latency cellular network to improve efficiency, agility, eco-friendly, economy, security, and...
A Comparative Measurement Study of the Performance of Video Streaming Using Windows Media Player
Video streaming plays a vital role in our daily life. As we are sitting on our computer and watching the news, movies, sports or any live or recorded broadcasts, we depend on video streaming. In other words, video steaming is the backbone of today’s multimedia communication. Most popular video...
Wireless sensors network is a type of the Ad-hoc network. It is comprised of many sensors, interlinked with each other for performing the same function collectively such as monitoring the weather conditions, temperature, different kind of vibrations, sound etc. Any distributed system requires...
Kollamkalam, Catheren Salamma Joseph
Content delivery networks help improve any website's user experience while reducing the distribution cost of the content providers. A CDN is a collection of network elements spanning the Internet, where content is replicated through mirrored Web servers located at the edge of the Internet service...
The advent of the internet and the World Wide Web has made vast amounts of information accessible at our fingertips. It is said that an average person living in the modern society is exposed to as much information in a day as a person who lived 100 years ago would have seen in a whole year. But...
With the enormous growth of the IP network, network security has become one of the important issues facing corporations today. It is important that a business is able to protect the private data of its customers and business strategies from unauthorized access. Failure to do this can greatly...
In the past, the target audience of traditional advertising (such as newspapers, magazines, and billboards) has not incurred costs associated with the ads. This is not necessarily the case when it comes to online advertising. Presumably, online ads increase the total size of webpages that are...
Intent-Based Networking (IBN) is an automated process supported by some software. Unlike the old manual configuring processes, Deeper intelligence and analysis are involved in Intent-Based Networking. An outcome, so-called intent, can be made by the network administrator, while the administrator...
Traditional cellular and wireless technologies met business and consumer expectations during the first few years of launch. Unfortunately, the rapid growth of wireless demand and internet connectivity in the 21st century has resulted in high bandwidth requirements and an equally proportional need...
These days, technology has advanced and facilitates networking. With data demand rising exponentially over the networks, security is a rising concern. The data over a network is highly vulnerable to risks of both intentional attacks and unintentional events. IPv6 was designed with security in...