Skip to Search Results- 11074Gruhn, Dr. Ruth
- 8531Bryan, Dr. Alan L.
- 5408Hill Times Publishing
- 5299Toronto Stock Exchange
- 4502Meghan Ward
- 2546Bryan, Alan L., Dr.
- 4702Stock exchanges--Canada--Tables--Periodicals
- 4571Toronto Stock Exchange--Periodicals
- 4138lithic tools
- 3142Canada--Parliament--Periodicals
- 2027ceramics
- 1922sherd
- 35116Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), Faculty of
- 35116Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), Faculty of/Theses and Dissertations
- 13087University of Alberta Libraries Licensed Resources
- 11185Anthropology, Department of
- 11157Anthropology, Department of/Bryan/Gruhn Archaeology Collection
- 5066University of Alberta Libraries Licensed Resources/Daily Record (Toronto Stock Exchange)
- 35223Thesis
- 16626Image
- 16291Report
- 4928Article (Published)
- 3512Research Material
- 1075Conference/Workshop Presentation
近代美術関係新聞記事資料集成:別冊 (Kindai bijutsu kankei shinbun kiji shiryō shūsei" bessatsu) [Modern Art related Japanese Newspaper Clipping Collections 1891-1941]
Yumani Shobou Publishing (microfilm/booklet), David Sulz (English annotation)
Scan of booklet and card (plus additional commentary and some translation) accompanying 2 microfilm sets “Kindai bijutsu kankei shinbun kiji shiryō shūsei” (literally modern art related newspaper article document collection). A historic collection contemporary newspaper clippings about Modern Art...
荷花香 — 唐招提寺賞荷記 He hua xiang: Tangzhaotisi shang he ji (Lotus Fragrance: Viewing Lotus Flowers in Toshodaiji Monastery, Nara city, Japan)
This essay, in Chinese, introduces the Buddhist monastery Toshodaiji in Nara city, Japan, a UN world heritage. Toshodaiji monastery was established in the mid-8th century by Monk Jianzhen (Monk Ganjin) who was invited to come to Japan from China. The main theme, however, is on the lotus flowers...
次世代に可能性をつなげる行動 ─ 南グリーンランドの植林事業─ (Proactive action for future generations: A case of a tree-planting project in South Greenland)
A short essay about plantations in South Greenland 南グリーンランドの植林事業について
持続可能な森林経営に向けた統括的資源管理の必要性 —カナダ, アルバータ州の森林管理の実情から— (The Need for Integrated Resource Management to Achieve a Sustainable Forest Management Regime: A Case of the Forest Management in Alberta, Canada)
The forest management regime of Alberta, Canada, was reviewed in light of the three pillars of sustainable forest management: economic, social, and environmental values of forests. It was found that as long as the provincial policy is inclined to the pursuit of economic benefits derived from the...
我愛雪梨 — 中外譯名雜碎 Wo ai Xueli: Zhong wai yi ming za sui (I love "Pear" [i.e., Sydney]: on transliterating proper names)
This Chinese essay was published in 1990 in the commemorative publication to mark the 10th anniversary of the Four Seas Chinese Radio (CKER AM 1480) in Edmonton. It discusses the transliteration of non-Chinese personal and geographical names into Chinese forms. Recently in October 2016, there...
家庭法之认识法律制度 Jia ting fa zhi ren shi fa lü zhi du (Family Law: Know the Legal System and Procedures)
家庭法之认识法律制度 Jia ting fa zhi ren shi fa lü zhi du (Family Law: Know the Legal System and Procedures)
Calgary Chinese Community Service Association, Wong, Janice
This is the slide show for a public seminar organized by and held at Calgary Chinese Community Service Association on February 6, 2014, about the basic legal procedures of divorce application in Alberta. This is the simplified Chinese version of the presentation.
家庭法之認識法律制度 Jia ting fa zhi ren shi fa lü zhi du (Family Law: Know the Legal System and Procedures)
家庭法之認識法律制度 Jia ting fa zhi ren shi fa lü zhi du (Family Law: Know the Legal System and Procedures)
DownloadSpring 2014
Wong, Janice, Calgary Chinese Community Service Association
This is the slide show for a public seminar organized by and held at Calgary Chinese Community Service Association on February 3, 2014, about the basic legal procedures of divorce application in Alberta. This is the full (traditional) Chinese version of the presentation.