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  • 2021-04-30

    Foster, Jason

    SSHRC CG awarded 2021: The purpose of the proposed Connection Grant is to convene a one day conference and implementation dialogue that considers the key features of Alberta's present industrial transition in the oil and gas sector and draws on comparative policy learning to share leading just...

  • 2012-01-01

    McHugh, Tara-Leigh

    SSHRC Awarded IDG 2012: The proposed research will identify ways in which Aboriginal youth can overcome barriers to participation in sport. The purpose of the proposed program of research is twofold: (1) to better understand the meanings of the terms 'sport', 'community', and 'culture' to...

  • 2018-07-26

    Nicoladis, Elena

    SSHRC Awarded CG 2018: The theme for the interdisciplinary International Symposium on Bilingualism-12 (ISB12) is The Next Generation. We build on the theme in two ways. First, we highlight the importance of children in maintaining languages, including among immigrants, indigenous language...

  • 2019-02-01

    Couture, Selena

    SSHRC Awarded IDG 2019: In August 2018, a statue of Canada's first prime minister, John A. McDonald was unceremoniously hoisted from Victoria, BC's city hall steps, wrapped in foam and trucked away to a storage facility. City council was responding to concerns from Indigenous community members...

  • 2019-02-01

    Shukayev, Malik

    SSHRC IDG awarded 2019: This project aims to examine if publicly funded bailouts of financial institutions during banking crises are welfare beneficial, once their longer term impact on risk taking and on the crisis probability is taken in account.The specific objectives of the research are: a)...

  • 09/15/2021

    Davidson, Debra J

    SSHRC IG awarded 2022: Moving the needle toward pro-climate action requires better understanding of the antecedents to personal and collective climate behavior. Our research questions include the following: 1. How do personal and intersectional attributes shape emotion-cognition pathways to...

  • 2019-10-01

    Gouglas, Sean, GAPSSHRC

    SSHRC IG awarded 2020: project addresses the need to understand the differences in employment experiences and outcomes for marginalised groups, particularly women, employed in the video game industry in North America. A a staggering number of women leave the video game industry within the first...

  • 2019-11-23

    Davidson, Debra

    SSHRC Awarded PDG 2020: Impact assessments (IA) are a crucial tool in the management of disruptions to our climate, ecosystems and communities generated by economic development. Given the growing concerns about the sustainability of socio-ecological systems in Canada and globally, IAs are rightly...

  • 2020-09-29

    Ural Marchand, Beyza

    SSHRC awarded 2021: The goal of this proposed research is to set out a research agenda that will provide the first empirical study to examine the welfare effects of rising Chinese imports on American and Canadian households. We will specifically focus on the effect on household expenditure and...

  • 2015-10-11

    Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2016: The objective of this project is to study and improve fundraising strategies. We will focus on what influences giving, in particular, the impact of involvement with the charity, fundraiser events, and the influence of social media. The proposed research will bridge the gap...

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