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Author / Creator / Contributor
- 11074Gruhn, Dr. Ruth
- 8531Bryan, Dr. Alan L.
- 5408Hill Times Publishing
- 5299Toronto Stock Exchange
- 4502Meghan Ward
- 2546Bryan, Alan L., Dr.
Subject / Keyword
- 4702Stock exchanges--Canada--Tables--Periodicals
- 4571Toronto Stock Exchange--Periodicals
- 4138lithic tools
- 3142Canada--Parliament--Periodicals
- 2027ceramics
- 1922sherd
- 35111Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), Faculty of
- 35111Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), Faculty of/Theses and Dissertations
- 13087University of Alberta Libraries Licensed Resources
- 11185Anthropology, Department of
- 11157Anthropology, Department of/Bryan/Gruhn Archaeology Collection
- 5066University of Alberta Libraries Licensed Resources/Daily Record (Toronto Stock Exchange)
Item type
- 35218Thesis
- 16626Image
- 16291Report
- 4928Article (Published)
- 3512Research Material
- 1076Conference/Workshop Presentation
Curating Risk, Mediating Access: mapping the legal, policy and organizational context of data sharing in the health sciences.
The purpose of the Curating Risk, Mediating Access (CRMA) project is to investigate practices, norms, policies, and infrastructure in clinical and health research that relate to sharing research data. The objectives are two-fold: 1)to map the current legal, ethical, and normative practices across...
"This leaflet is dedicated to the members of the American and Canadian High School Teachers' Tour Party which visited Japan in the Summer of 1939 at the invitation of the Board of Tourist Industry of the Japanese Government Railways, Tokyo." Approx. 1 letter size sheet arranged in 8 panels of...
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