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Wave Speed Measurements of Grosmont Formation Carbonates: Implications for Time-Lapse Seismic Monitoring
DownloadFall 2019
The Grosmont Formation is a Devonian-aged carbonate platform complex that is estimated to hold over 64.5 billion m3 (406 billion bbl) of bitumen in place, accounting for a significant portion of Canada’s total hydrocarbon reserves. Despite this, the Grosmont formation has largely been undeveloped...
Fall 2014
An understanding of the ways that rural community dwelling individuals with dementia (IWDs) are, and prefer to be, involved in their decision-making could help caregivers maximize IWDs’ contribution to their decisions and could thus improve their care. This qualitative secondary analysis used an...
WAYS TO GO: A grounded theory study of how the laboratory culture in the applied sciences impact on international doctoral students' career paths in the STEM/applied sciences
DownloadFall 2023
As Canadian Universities join in the global realization of the Third mission and become more entrepreneurial, international students’ participation in this agenda is pivotal to its success as they form about a half of STEM doctoral students in the country. Extant studies have either been...