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SSHRC Awarded IDG 2016: The project will conduct a critical disability analysis of the discourses and practices of disability inclusion within a wide range of sport and recreation programs in Canada. 'Inclusive movement programs' have been internationally championed as a basic right of people...
SSHRC Awarded IDG 2016: Music's place in the Catholic Church’s movement from an agent of Portuguese colonization to a site of indigenous resistance in now-independent East Timor is the focus of this project. I will seek out traces of musical sound and embodied performance in archives and...
Nanotechnology and the Alberta Capital Region: A Case Study of Integrating Communities, Innovation and Development
SSHRC Awarded PDG 2012: What can cities and communities do to support and benefit from new technologies? How can knowledge-intensive sectors develop in ways which account for local contexts and local needs? How can benefits and prosperity be made to 'stick' to the communities in which new...
Native Hawaiian Responses to 18th and 19th Century Leisure Discourses and their Haunting Consequences
SSHRC Awarded IDG 2015: The project focuses on historical analysis of indigenous Hawaiians' [Kanaka Maoli] submissions to Hawaiian language newspapers (1834 - 1948). In 19th century Hawaii, missionaries' leisure-discourses were intimately connected with colonial structures and judgments about...
SSHRC Awarded IG 2018: L'idéologie du 'bon français', ce standard unique, perpétue la discrimination linguistique. Le temps est venu de mieux décrire et comprendre à la variation en le français québécois (FQ). Notre projet décrira le FQ oral soutenu (Phase 1) et modélisera la variation sociale et...
Object Lives and Global Histories in Northern North America: Networks, Localities and Material Culture c. 1700s-2000s
Whitelaw, Anne, Lemire, Beverly
SSHRC Awarded PDG 2014: This project will establish a new partnership among selected university and museum institutions in Canada and England. Our aim is to illuminate, in new ways, the global circulation of material culture from and through northern North America - and the ways in which this...
SSHRC Awarded PDG 2020: New immigrants (those in Canada for less than 10 years) are over-represented in jobs and workplaces that are hazardous to their health and safety, placing them at high risk for occupational injuries. Many new immigrant workers in precarious employment have little...
SSHRC Awarded Knowledge Synthesis grant 2015: The dominant form of energy of any given era shapes the characteristics and capacities of societies in an essential way; energy is a key aspect of the fabric of our social experience, and not just a neutral input that helps run the engines of our...
Outdoor Education in Canada: Guiding Philosophies, Distinguishing Characteristics, and Central Goals
SSHRC Awarded IG 2018: Outdoor education (OE) is an academic discipline and a teaching method characterized by experiential learning, immersion in nature, and challenging activities. However, OE varies across countries in terms of its philosophies, characteristics, and goals. OE in Canada lacks a...
Partnership Development for Researching the Education of Aboriginal Students: A Youth Exchange through Arts & Technology - Stories of Culture, Identity, Community and Place
Donald, Dwayne , Conrad, Diane
SSHRC Awarded PDG 2015: Challenge: Education for Aboriginal students across Canada is in dire need of enrichment given the legacy of residential schools and the persistent failure of mainstream curriculum to engage Aboriginal learners. The education of Aboriginal students has become a national...