Native Hawaiian Responses to 18th and 19th Century Leisure Discourses and their Haunting Consequences
- Author(s) / Creator(s)
SSHRC Awarded IDG 2015: The project focuses on historical analysis of indigenous Hawaiians' [Kanaka Maoli] submissions to Hawaiian language newspapers (1834 - 1948). In 19th century Hawaii, missionaries' leisure-discourses were intimately connected with colonial structures and judgments about Kanaka Maoli's fitness to self-govern. Having adopted writing early in the missionary experience, Kanaka Maoli used self-produced, Hawaiian language, newspapers to create an intellectual tradition and commons from 1838 to 1948. These newspapers are a valuable source for understanding what Kanaka Maoli of the time thought about the discourses that categorized their cultural/spiritual practices as marketable leisure activities. The project will include developing a leisure-search strategy for the yet-untranslated Hawaiian language newspapers, and analysis of two Kanaka Maoli practices labeled as leisure by missionaries. The intellectual outcomes will include: Demonstrate the role of leisure discourses in colonial misrepresentations of Indigenous practices and Kanaka Maoli use of cultural practices to maintain well-being and resist colonialization. Materially contribute to the Hawaiian-language intellectual commons through search strategies and translation; Historical analysis has implications for current tourism/leisure practices and self-determination actions relevant for other Indigenous communities.
- Date created
- 2015-01-21
- Subjects / Keywords
- Library and Information Science
- Colonization
- Demography
- Journalism
- United States
- Sociology
- Decolonization
- Arts and Culture
- Missionization
- Mo'olelo
- Polynesia
- Hawaiian Language
- Nupepa
- Media Studies
- 2015
- Americanization
- Communication studies
- Leisure Studies
- Indigenous Leisures
- Recreation
- Grant Application
- Cultural Studies
- Gender studies
- Insight Development Grant
- Successful SSHRC
- Hawaiian Newspapers
- Indigenous Epistemologies
- Kanaka Maoli
- Kawaihuelani Center
- Indigenous Methodologies
- 1830-1900
- Critical Theory
- Native Hawaiian Leisure
- Indigenous Peoples
- Hawaii
- 1830 - 1900
- Hawaii
- Type of Item
- Research Material