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SSHRC IG awarded 2020: project addresses the need to understand the differences in employment experiences and outcomes for marginalised groups, particularly women, employed in the video game industry in North America. A a staggering number of women leave the video game industry within the first...
The Forgotten Era of "The Forgotten People": A Hidden History of Metis in Parkland, Saskatchewan, 1918-1965
SSHRC Awarded IG 2012: Few scholars would attempt to explain contemporary Canadian issues without reference to the massive changes of the twentieth century. Yet, Metis historiography has been dominated by 18th and 19th Century events (inside the discipline of history as well as out). This project...
SSHRC Awarded IG awarded 2015: We will explore how sharing-breadth influences consumers' emotions. We suggest that, compared to narrowcasting (sharing with few others), broadcasting (sharing with many others) changes the perspective, or the lens, through which consumers view their sharing, from...
SSHRC IG awarded 2020: the goal of this project is to uncover the work and decisions involved in collecting, organizing, and changing the data used by algorithms, using business ethnographic methodology. This understanding is ultimately critical to revealing how algorithms work, and to revealing...
SSHRC Awarded IG 2014: How do humans recognize speech? How do factors such as native language, age, and dialect have an effect on the way in which spoken words are recognized? The present proposal seeks to investigate these and other questions regarding spoken language recognition by creating and...
The Textual and Cultural History of Medicine in South Asia based on Newly-Discovered Manuscript Evidence
SSHRC Awarded IG 2020: The Compendium of Sushruta (Sushrutasamhita) is an ancient Indian medical text that was was used to diagnose and treat patients in South Asia two thousand years ago and continues to influence the study of medicine even today. The Compendium of Sushruta presents baffling...
SSHRC Awarded IG 2017: In everyday conversation, we need to rapidly find referents for pronouns when we process language. This process is guided by what is said, but also by where and how it is said. How do children learn to understand pronouns in real time conversation? This project will...
Upper Necaxa Totonac in Context: Exploring the Past, Present, and Future of Northern Totonac
SSHRC Awarded IG 2012: The objective of this research is the continued documentation of Upper Necaxa Totonac (UNT), an endangered Totonacan language of the Sierra Madre Oriental in Puebla State, Mexico, and the expansion of this project to selected sister languages in the Northern Totonac area....
SSHRC Awarded IG 2016: As technology continues to increase in importance, countries require skilled workers who can produce new ideas, provide new services, and construct new industries. The ability to create these outcomes will be determined by the effectiveness of programs in Mathematics and...