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The Rise of Business Analytics: Understanding the Hidden Data Dynamics that are Transforming Business Practices

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • SSHRC IG awarded 2020: the goal of this project is to uncover the work and decisions involved in collecting, organizing, and changing the data used by algorithms, using business ethnographic methodology. This understanding is ultimately critical to revealing how algorithms work, and to revealing what end-users see and fail to see as they employ these tools. Findings will benefit the following communities in specific ways: For scholars, we develop a theory of how algorithms are produced in practice, specifically unearthing the hidden political dynamics associated with algorithm design. For practitioners, our research, and the frameworks we develop should enable a deeper understanding of algorithms and their blind spots, helping users become more reflective and critical as they commission, evaluate, and use these increasingly necessary tools. or policymakers, we want to generate a better understanding of how to use algorithms in policy development to avoid unfavourable effects that might emerge from the unreflective use of algorithms.

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  • Type of Item
    Research Material
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    © Glaser, Vern. All rights reserved other than by permission. This document embargoed to those without UAlberta CCID until 2025.