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Thanks, But No Thanks: How Firms Should Respond to Positive Word of Mouth

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • SSHRC IDG awarded 2023: Currently, it is unclear how managers should respond to positive reviews in order to improve consumer outcomes. We propose that the problem for managers is that management responses do not meet consumer expectations. Thus, we aim to develop and test a model of management responses that will improve consumer outcomes. We propose to test our framework using field data and experiments. The proposed research would contribute to both theory and practice. First, we would provide the first empirical test of the different components of management responses. Second, we would identify an alternative response for managers that conveys humility and therefore boosts positive consumer outcomes. Third, we would identify two novel variables that change consumer expectations and therefore diminish the impact of management responses: product­ and occasion­type. Fourth, this research would qualify prior work showing that management responses to positive reviews can negatively impact consumers. We would confirm that responses are less effective when managers accept and/or agree with the compliment, but show they are more effective when they scale down their agreement. Finally, this work offers insights to review platforms about best practice guidelines for managers, and highlights when management responses are most valuable.

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    Research Material
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    ©️Lafreniere, Katherine Carol. All rights reserved other than by permission. This document embargoed to those without UAlberta CCID until 2027