Other Presentations (Copyright Office)
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Wakaruk, Amanda, Taylor, Don, Zerkee, Jennifer
Conference presentation at 2016 ABC Copyright Conference, May 27. Digitizing and sharing materials online makes our cultural heritage more accessible, supporting the dissemination of knowledge and the public good. Navigating related copyright issues, however, can weigh heavily on the feasibility...
Joint presentation by Scott Day (MacEwan University) and Amanda Wakaruk (University of Alberta) at the 2017 NEOS Miniconference. Presentation abstract: A refresher on copyright basics followed by an overview of what library employees should know about the upcoming parliamentary review of the...
This Festival of Teaching 2016 workshop provided participants with strategies for assessing when they may proceed with using copyright materials and when permission from the rightsholder is necessary. Educators learned how to identify the appropriate terms of use for classroom resources, what...
Could it be a case of the emperor’s new clothes? Crown copyright and Canada’s commitment to open government
This conference presentation provided an introduction to Crown copyright in Canada and addressed the advantages and disadvantages of keeping government information out of the public domain. Suggestions for modifying section 12 of the Copyright Act were offered in preparation for the upcoming...
Slides from a plenary presentation at the ABC Copyright Conference on June 29, 2017. Conference program abstract: Crown copyright has been flagged for review by Canadian copyright stakeholders including federal departments and parliaments for more than thirty years. In that time, our federal...