Images of Research Competition 2016

University of Alberta graduate students made 114 submissions to the Images of Research Competition 2016. The submissions highlighted that graduate student research at UAlberta takes place in studios and science labs, in the field and on the ice. From steel joints to self-determination; forest fire sensors to fossil record research; from drag kings to disease-resistant peas, UAlberta graduate student research is diverse and global. A multi-disciplinary 5 person adjudication committee reviewed all submissions and selected winners. The University of Alberta community voted for the People's Choice Award and the winning image garnered 122 votes out of 765 votes. The winning and semifinalist images are available in ERA (the University of Alberta’s digital repository) after the Images of Research exhibition.

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  • 2016-01-01

    Rice, Faun

    The tipi reflected in the waters of Sahtu (Great Bear Lake) in Déline, NT, is positioned by the prophet house on the edge of the community. The site celebrates the four Dene prophets and Déline, NT's spiritual power and permanence – a strength contained not only by the community, but also by the...

  • 2016-01-01

    Wang, Yiyu

    This micrograph, taken by a scanning electron microscope, shows the fracture surface (magnified × 1000) of a failed pressure vessel component joint used in fossil fired power plants. It presents the history of this failure. Industrial incidents of the welded structure components can cause huge...

  • 2016-01-01

    Stockdale, Chris

    The Mountain Legacy Project, the largest repeat photography collection in the world, has more than 6,000 images repeated to date. Previously it was not possible to precisely measure how much and where this change had occurred using oblique angle photographs such as these.  I have developed a...

  • 2016-01-01

    Jean, Francesca

    We have been studying a gene in zebrafish (called unc119b) that is required for many developmental processes, including eye formation. On the left, is a cross-section of a normal zebrafish eye at 3 days old that has been stained with fluorescent antibodies. The lens is surrounded by green (a lens...

  • 2016-01-01

    Marino, Angela

    The motivation behind my research is my mother's Multiple Sclerosis; she has had this disease since 2009 which has affected her mental and physical state of being. Living with a person who has MS changes the way you perceive what it means to be present. They are never again perceived as they once...

  • 2016-01-01

    Duncan, Alexandra

    The neurodiversity and disability rights movements recognize that there are multiple ways of being, thinking, and perceiving in the world. Thanks to the development of Contemporary Disability Arts since the 1980s, disabled and neurodivergent artists have been creating and sharing their diverse...

  • 2016-01-01

    Abeysundara, Namal

    My research in the Hughes lab focuses on investigating the role of Moesin during nervous system development. Moesin is involved in maintaining cell integrity by linking membrane-associated proteins to the underlying actin cytoskeleton. We use fruit flies to study Moesin function as only one...

  • 2016-01-01

    Kahlon, Jagroop Gill

    My current research project focuses on transformation, efficacy and environmental biosafety of transgenic disease resistant peas. During course of my PhD here at UA, I spent a semester at University of Hannover, Germany as an exchange research student in winter 2013, learning how transgenic...

  • 2016-01-01

    Shonfield, Julia

    My PhD research involves determining the effects of industrial noise on several owl species in the boreal forest of northeastern Alberta. Owls use vocal communication to attract mates and defend territories, and they use acoustic cues when hunting for prey at night. To determine whether owls...

  • 2016-01-01

    Green, Jonathan

    Green's research is focused on campsites and shelters, transitional spaces, and extreme landscapes. His interests lie in the idea of camping and survival in wilderness spaces. Temporal and semi permanent architecture of the campsite and shack act as transitional sites - as spaces between the...

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