Capstone Project Reports (Science 100)
Items in this Collection
A Rational Treatment for an Irrational Fear
This report analyzes and compares four of the most promising techniques used to date on treating phobias namely flooding, modeling and desensitization (both systematic and in vivo). These techniques are analyzed through five selected and thoroughly examined case studies. This report also...
A comparative study was conducted by a first year InSciTE student, Jennifer Wong to observe the results of facultative anaerobic bacteria taken from yogurt on the formation of rust. This comparison was done by comparing the difference in mean mass of both the pre and post-experiment nail weights...
This report summarizes the milestones hit in network research. It opens by defining networks and their significance, and then goes through explaining in logical order all major contributions to network study. The report starts by describing the work done by Travers and Milgram in determining the...