Libraries Staff Publications
This collection contains publications of staff at the University of Alberta Libraries.
Items in this Collection
- 58Campbell, Sandy
- 27Koufogiannakis, Denise
- 26Lacroix, Denis
- 22Polkinghorne, Sarah
- 21Wakaruk, A.
- 18Luyk, Sean
- 41Book reviews
- 26Libraries
- 15Academic libraries
- 15Canada
- 15Evidence-based practice
- 14Information literacy
- 384University of Alberta Library
- 384University of Alberta Library/Libraries Staff Publications
- 9Medicine and Dentistry, Faculty of
- 7Canadian Circumpolar Institute
- 6Medicine and Dentistry, Faculty of/Alberta Research Centre for Health Evidence (ARCHE)
- 5Canadian Circumpolar Institute/Circumpolar Digital Image Collection
"Criteria for Selecting Electronic Books in an Academic Library: Will we ever need to buy paper again?"
Based on the assumption that all books will soon be available in both electronic and paper formats, selections librarians will soon be faced with a format decision for each title they purchase. The work of Summerfield, Mandel and Kantor at Columbia University has given us some early information...
Récit composé par Alex Michelet (1885-1979) à l'aube de sa vie, « La grande épinettière » raconte l'histoire d'une jeune institutrice d'ascendance française, Jeanne, qui se trouve affectée dans un petit village de l'Ouest canadien au tournant des années 1915-1920. En apparence anodin, ce récit...
“The Power of Knowledge, Objectified”: Immaterial Labor, Cognitive Capitalism, and Academic Librarianship
“The Power of Knowledge, Objectified”: Immaterial Labor, Cognitive Capitalism, and Academic Librarianship
This article analyzes current trends in academic librarianship from the perspective of Italian autonomist Marxism. With the rise of new technologies and the advent of a period variously called the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, “Industry 4.0”, and “The Second Machine Age,” academic librarianship...
“Why is this link dead? Aren’t government publications all online?” Preserving digital federal content with the Canadian Government Information Private LOCKSS Network (CGI-PLN)
The vast majority of federal government information is digital and susceptible to both technological obsolescence and changes in information policy. In the past, content on government web sites has been lost to both factors. Concern about the lack of comprehensive web archiving or digital...
1967 Summer School of Frontier Medicine: Impact on Medical Students and Indigenous Communities
Ross, Shelley, Campbell, Sandy, Behn Smith, Daniele
The poorer health status of First Nations, Inuit, Métis (FN/I/M) people in Canada is unacceptable and requires urgent attention. One potential means of improving FN/I/M health is to focus on improving training of medical students to enhance cultural safety. Experiential, community based...