Research Materials (Psychology)
Items in this Collection
Carport and carpet: Effects of compound and pseudo-compound word structures on typing
Datasets and Stata analysis files for: Gagné, C.L., Spalding, T.L, & Taikh, A. (In press) Carport and carpet: Effects of compound and pseudo-compound word structures on typing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. Accepted 2023.08.23.
Cultural Empathy in Intercultural Interactions: The Development and Validation of the Intercultural Empathy Index
Zhang, Ying Shan Doris, Noels, Kimberly A.
Based on discussions of cultural empathy in intercultural communication and counseling and multicultural psychology, this paper presents a model and a measure of cultural empathy suited for a broad range intercultural interactions - the Intercultural Empathy Index (IEI). We examined the IEI’s...
data set of project 39 across boundary location consistency
data and matlab codes to do analyses of project 39 to investigate across boundary consistency between locations and orientations. There are two experiments. For each one, step 1 calculate participants' heading and position estimates from pointing directions.
Figures for the Manuscript titled as 'Superior Cognitive Mapping through Single-landmark-related Learning than through Boundary-related Learning'
Figures for the Manuscript titled as 'Superior Cognitive Mapping through Single-landmark-related Learning than through Boundary-related Learning'
Cognitive mapping is assumed to be through hippocampus-dependent place learning rather than striatum-dependent response learning. However, we propose that either type of spatial learning, as long as it involves encoding metric relations between locations and reference points, could lead to a...
Hoteling Tsquare test power analyses and Bayes Factor
This matlab code can be used to analyze multiple dimension data, two dimension data are used for example. We can do t test, power analysis, and calculate Bayes Factor based on t test.
Hyponymy ratings of English compound words
Gagné, Christina L, Gagne, Christina L
This database contains hyponymy ratings for 2754 English compounds. The database is available in both Stata and CSV formats. The variable id_master refers to the item number in the LADEC database (Gagné, CL., Spalding, TL., & Schmidtke, D. (2019). LADEC: Large database of English compounds....
LaDEC: Large database of English compounds
Gagne, Christina, Spalding, Thomas, Schmidtke, Daniel, , Gagné, Christina L.
The Large Database of English Compounds (LADEC) consists of over 8000 English words that can be parsed into two constituents that are free morphemes. This file contains compounds formed from 3-10 letter long bases. All items are listed in Wordnet as Nouns. The database contains a number of...