Study 1_Winter_Open Access.sav
Study 2_Data_Open Access.sav
Supplemental Material.pdf

Cultural Empathy in Intercultural Interactions: The Development and Validation of the Intercultural Empathy Index

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • Based on discussions of cultural empathy in intercultural communication and counseling and multicultural psychology, this paper presents a model and a measure of cultural empathy suited for a broad range intercultural interactions - the Intercultural Empathy Index (IEI). We examined the IEI’s psychometric properties via two studies involving approximately 2000 undergraduate students at a western Canadian university. Reflecting the cognitive, affective, and behavioral dimensions of empathy, the IEI includes subscales that assess (1) one’s awareness of the cultural similarities and differences that arise during cross-cultural interactions (Cross-Cultural Awareness), (2) the degree to which one could take the perspective of a person from a different culture (Ease of Perspective-taking), (3) the extent to which one could identify with the emotions of other cultural groups (Empathic Feelings), and (4) the extent to which one behaves empathically toward people from other cultures (Empathic Expressions). The findings of confirmatory factor and correlational analyses provided evidence on the reliability and validity of the IEI. The findings’ implications in regards to the role of cultural empathy in positive intercultural interactions and relations are discussed.

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