Journal Articles (Psychology)
Items in this Collection
- 6McMillan, Neil
- 6Weimin Mou
- 5Nicoladis, E.
- 5Spetch, Marcia L.
- 5Sturdy, Christopher B.
- 4Allison H. Hahn
“Responsible” or “Strange”? Differences in Face Mask Use Between Chinese and Non-East Asian Canadians During the COVID-19 Pandemic
“Responsible” or “Strange”? Differences in Face Mask Use Between Chinese and Non-East Asian Canadians During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ying Shan Doris Zhang, Kimberly Noels, Heather Young Leslie, Nigel Mantou Lou
Objectives: Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, Chinese and non-Chinese Canadians exhibited differential support for public mask use, which may have implications for public health and interethnic relations. Such differences were primarily attributed to variations in ethnic norms and practices by...
Congdon, Jenna V., Hahn, Allison H., Campbell, Kimberley A., Scully, Erin N., Yip, Daniel A., Bayne, Erin M., Sturdy, Christopher B.
Smaller owls and hawks are high-threat predators to small songbirds, like chickadees, in comparison to larger avian predators due to smaller raptors’ agility (Templeton et al. in Proc Natl Acad Sci 104:5479–5482, 2005). The current literature focuses only on high- and low-threat predators. We...
Connor T. Lambert, Prateek K. Sahu, Christopher B. Sturdy, Lauren M. Guillette
Among-individual variation in performance on cognitive tasks is ubiquitous across species that have been examined, and understanding the evolution of cognitive abilities requires investigating among-individual variation because natural selection acts on individual differences. However, relatively...
Campbell, Kimberley A., Sturdy, Christopher B., Hahn, Allison H., Congdon, Jenna V.
Sex differences have been identified in a number of black-capped chickadee vocalizations and in the chick-a-dee calls of other chickadee species [i.e., Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis)]. In the current study, 12 acoustic features in black-capped chickadee chick-a-dee calls were...
McMillan, Neil, Spetch, Marcia L.
In a two-stimulus visual discrimination choice task with a reversal in reward contingencies midway through each session, pigeons produce a surprising number of anticipatory errors (i.e., responding to the second-correct stimulus before the reversal) based on failure to inhibit timing-based...
Are cognitive abilities under selection by female choice? A comment on Chen et al. (2019)
Andres Camacho-Alpízar, Andrea S. Griffin, Lauren M. Guillette
A recent paper by Chen et al. 2019 found that female budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) show a preference for males that are successful problem solvers. Is this result sufficient to conclude that mate choice influences the evolution of cognitive abilities? Here, we consider what we currently...
Avian Cognition: Examples of Sophisticated Capabilities in Space and Song
Neil McMillan, Allison H. Hahn, Marcia L. Spetch, Christopher B. Sturdy
Though birds have traditionally and colloquially been considered less cognitively complex than mammals, and especially primates, more recent research has consistently refuted these assumptions. We argue that the impressive abilities of birds to navigate and communicate require considerable...
Elena Nicoladis, Anna Petursdottir, and Christopher B. Sturdy
To what extent can human language learning be described, explained, and predicted from basic learning principles? Following the Skinner/Chomsky debate, many scholars avoided invoking basic learning principles, concentrating instead on cognitive approaches. We argue that these cognitive approaches...
Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) can identify individual females by their fee-bee songs
Montenegro, Carolina, Service, William D., Scully, Erin N., Campbell, Kimberley A., Sturdy, Christopher B
Individual recognition is a social behavior that occurs in many bird species. A bird’s ability to discriminate among familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics is critical to avoid wasting resources such as time and energy during social interactions. Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) are...
Black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) discriminate between naturally-ordered and scramble-ordered chick-a-dee calls and individual preference is related to rate of learning
Though many forms of animal communication are not reliant on the order in which components of signals are combined to be effective, there is evidence that order does matter for some communication systems. In the light of differential responding to calls of varying note-order observed in...