Skip to Search Results- 3Hasan, Md Monjurul
- 3Yu, Miao
- 2Afifi, Mona
- 2Altaf, Mohammed Sadiq
- 2Alwisy, Aladdin
- 2Barkokebas, Beda
- 35Al-Hussein, Mohamed (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- 26Deutsch, Clayton (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- 23AbouRizk, Simaan (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- 23Chalaturnyk, Rick (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- 22Liu, Yang (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- 18Bayat, Alireza (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
Fall 2019
In the past few decades, there have been more extreme climate events occurring worldwide, constituting a growing risk for our societies. For example, Canada has experienced several extreme precipitation events that resulted in billions of dollars of damage, such as the flood events of Calgary and...
Spring 2012
Spatial heterogeneity is an important characteristic of large-scale composting, however, only a few spatial models for composting exist to date. In this thesis, a novel spatial model for composting is developed. The model is applicable for any one-, two-, or three-dimensional pile geometry. It...
Spring 2015
Evaluating the resource contained in a precious metals deposit is a challenging task because they are often characterized by heavily-skewed grade distributions and outlier values. Traditional geostatistical modelling methods are difficult to apply in the presence of outlier values because they...
Spring 2017
Mine waste rock material has the potential to generate acid rock drainage (ARD) through the oxidation of sulphide minerals. Waste rock is one of the most abundant materials at mine sites that must be managed appropriately to limit the generation of ARD and other harmful by-products; therefore,...
Spatial variations of total and dissolved trace elements and their distributions amongst major colloidal forms along and across the Lower Athabasca River
DownloadFall 2020
The Athabasca River (AR) is the longest river in Alberta with a wide variety of natural and potential anthropogenic inputs. The purpose of this study was to quantify the spatial variation of trace element (TE) concentrations and forms in this aquatic system. Water samples were gathered along a...
Fall 2017
Advances in the development of unconventional resources have led to a surge in North American oil production. For example, tight oil production has pushed the U.S. crude supply to over 9% of world total production. Therefore, petrophysical characterization of such low-permeability rocks, has...
Stability and Mobility of Foam Generated by Gas-Solvent/Surfactant and Gas-Solvent/Nanoparticles under Reservoir Conditions
DownloadFall 2016
Foam can be a feasible means to remedy the low sweep efficiency of solvent flooding (e.g., CO2 and/or C3H8) resulting from viscous fingering and gravity segregation. It works as a good mobility control agent that decreases the mobility difference between the displaced oil and the displacing...
Spring 2018
Extended shear tab connections are efficient for both fabrication and erection where a beam would otherwise need to be coped to clear the flanges of the supporting member, and are therefore used extensively in industry. Stability issues can arise as the plate becomes longer and more slender, as...