Skip to Search Results- 60Forum for Information Professionals
- 11Forum for Information Professionals/FIP 2019
- 11Forum for Information Professionals/FIP 2015
- 11Forum for Information Professionals/FIP 2018
- 10Forum for Information Professionals/FIP 2017
- 9Forum for Information Professionals/FIP 2020
- 5FIP2016
- 5Information behavior
- 3Academic libraries
- 3Digital humanities
- 2Children's libraries
- 2Intellectual Freedom
Language and culture are deeply intertwined concepts, and to engage in one is to engage in the other. Multilingual collections are one way to engage both concepts, particularly in integrated multilingual collections that fully serve the diverse communities. This is in accordance with library...
Adopted in the late 1930s, the Library Bill of Rights grounded the profession in the core value of intellectual freedom. This core value was challenged in the 1930s, the 1960s, the 1990s, and again in recent years by calls for social responsibility within our ranks. The re-occurrent discomfort...
Snihurowych Lynch, Sarah V. W.
Although religious groups make up a significant percentage of the Canadian population, there is a gap in research about whether or not Canadian libraries carry sufficient materials to meet the needs of their religious users. To address this gap, this study examined the number of Christian,...
Analysis of Canadian Wireless Spectrum Auctions: Licence Ownership and Deployment in the 700 MHz, 2500 MHz and 3500 MHz Frequency Ranges
Despite the Canadian government’s assertion that high-speed broadband access is crucial for economic and social benefit, there is minimal competition or availability of these services in rural or remote areas. Economic factors suggest that wireless technologies are best-suited to help rural...
Landry, Kyera, Luther, Bethany
Student groups share many characteristics with small non-profit organizations, however little study has been done on the knowledge needs of these groups. An exploratory study was conducted on a student group at a large university in Alberta, Canada to ascertain what knowledge needs the groups has...
This presentation is a one-act play about erotic adaptations of Alice in Wonderland, and other children’s stories. The play takes place in a branch library, a setting where deep discussions, obscure knowledge, and comedy collide. The library staff are working on a new library exhibit, and have to...
Edmonton is home to both an ALA accredited MLIS program and a major employer, the Government of Alberta (GoA). Yet the GoA has had difficulty recruiting information professionals into information management (IM) positions, and concurrently, the number of MLIS graduates attaining government...
A study of students' perceptions of library catalogues on tablet computers: The NEOS Consortium catalogue
Paper presented at the Forum for Information Professionals
"Tomorrow I Will be Better": A Corpus-Assisted Discourse Study of Diet Communities on Reddit
As the advancement of the Internet has led to rapid growth in online communities, diet forums have been no exception. However, there has been minimal comparative and discursive research conducted on the relationship between user identity and information behaviours between forums. The objective of...
Introduction: Video games are becoming increasingly important items in library collections but this has not been accompanied by metadata and cataloguing practices that sufficiently describe games in ways that are relevant to video gamers. This research asks: to what extent do the Edmonton Public...