Skip to Search Results- 2Cortini, Francesco
- 2Dias de Andrade Silva, Raiany
- 2Echiverri, Laureen F. I.
- 2Isaac-Renton, Miriam G
- 2Lin, Sisi
- 2Najar, Ahmed
Moisture Transport and Changes in Mechanical Properties in Oriented Strand Board: Experimental and Modeling
DownloadFall 2021
The demand by the building industry for engineered wood composites is continuously increasing due to its importance as a structural building material. Even though the forest products sector is constantly working to find solutions to improve the design of material properties, research to predict...
The potential of forest floor transfer for the reclamation of boreal forest understory plant communities
DownloadFall 2011
We examined a direct forest floor transfer reclamation technique to establish a native boreal forest understory plant community on a reclamation site at a coal mine. Forest floor material was salvaged from an aspen-dominated (Populus tremuloides Michx.) donor forest at two depths (15 and 40 cm)...
Spring 2021
Growth is limited when trees are restricted in resources or they experience conditions outside of their physiological adaptation, such as extreme cold. However, no tree exists in isolation. A variety of aboveground and belowground species interactions modulate the degree to which trees respond to...