- 1Alizadehgiashi, Moien
- 1Alsakka, Fatima
- 1Athar, Khan S
- 1Aubet, Natalie
- 1Azhin, Maryam
- 10Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
- 9Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 9Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
- 5Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- 3Department of Geology
- 3Department of Mechanical Engineering
- 3Deutsch, Clayton (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- 2Babadagli, Tayfun (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- 2Beaulieu, Christian (Biomedical Engineering)
- 2Jing, Yindi (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
- 2Jones, Brian (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
- 2Lange, Carlos (Mechanical Engineering)
Eustatic and Tectonic Controls on the Development of the Stratigraphic Architecture of the Cayman Islands, British West Indies
DownloadFall 2019
The Paleogene to Neogene carbonate sedimentary successions that form the cores of each of the Cayman Islands, which are located within 150 km of each other, developed on isolated banks that were surrounded by deep oceanic water. Although each of the Cayman Islands has experienced uniform changes...
Fall 2015
Folding of biomolecules is an important problem in structural biology. The physical folding can be projected as a diffusive search over an energy landscape whose dimensions scale by all the internal degrees of freedom which a biomolecule possesses. To explore this idea, folding is studied from...
Fundamental Insights into the Structure and Dynamics of Confined Substrates inside Silica Nanostructures, using a combination of Molecular Dynamics and Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulations
DownloadFall 2021
Condensed phase reactions in the presence of heterogeneous catalysts are widely performed for the conversion of biomass into useful intermediates and value-added products. Specifically, nanoporous catalysts have garnered interest for liquid-phase oxidation, hydrogenation, dehydrogenation and/or...
Spring 2010
Many geological deposits contain nonlinear anisotropic features such as veins, channels, folds or local changes in orientation; numerical property modeling must account for these features to be reliable and predictive. This work incorporates locally varying anisotropy into inverse distance...
Fall 2010
The Upper Devonian Grosmont shelf complex is the world’s largest heavy oil deposit hosted in carbonates, with an estimated >50 billion cubic meters (318 to probably 406 bbls) of initial volume in place. At present the Grosmont is not yet under production. This study involves log interpretation,...
Ichnology and geochemistry: an integrated approach to early marine diagenesis in the Arabian Gulf
DownloadSpring 2024
Neoichnological studies in carbonate-dominated tropical latitudes are sparse. Moreso, the coupling of diagenetic research utilizing ichnology has been largely limited to ancient successions. This thesis combines geochemical analyses with modern ichnological observations to better understand the...
Spring 2017
Dating attempts on fossil material have thus far yielded mixed results. While successes have been reported on single specimens, most fossils are thought to have experienced a complex history that obscures a simple determination of age. For this thesis, transects along the cross-sections of 14...
Implementation and Evaluation of Spatiotemporal Prediction Algorithms and Prediction of Spatially Distributed Greenhouse Gas Inventories
DownloadFall 2011
Growing environmental concerns require monitoring and modelling of greenhouse gases. These modelling efforts require processing of massive datasets in a timely fashion. This, in turn, can lead to feasibility problems when estimating values of missing data points. This thesis examines and compares...
Improvement of thermal heavy-oil recovery in sandstone and carbonate reservoirs using hydrocarbon solvents
DownloadFall 2011
This thesis introduces a new approach for heavy-oil recovery from fractured reservoirs: Steam-Over-Solvent Injection in Fractured Reservoirs (SOS-FR). The SOS-FR technique is a new technology proposed as an alternative method to the sole injection of steam or solvent and consists of three...
Fall 2024
Pose estimation is widely used in our daily lives and there exist many algorithms that are applied for bringing convenience and improving efficiency in various fields. While images are the most common input for feature detection and matching, it is necessary to study their knowledge background...