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SSRHC IG awarded 2022: The PI will test the well-worn trope, "you are what you where," by examining how racial hierarchies in the imperial Atlantic used dress and material systems to enact race. Whiteness shaped aesthetic priorities in empires and colonies, including the raced and gendered...
Insight Grant funded in 2017. the world of the present is a 'Petroculture', where cultural, economic, ideological, legal and political relationships --locally and globally-- have been shaped by oil and its networks of power. Energy transition demands social transformation. This research is...
SSHRC Awarded IG 2018: From 1968 to 1985, a small division within the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs (DIAND)--now Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)--pursued initiatives designed to encourage the development of Inuit literary production in Canada. At times acting without the...
Individual Life Histories in Long-Term Culture Change: Holocene Hunter-Gatherers in Northern Eurasia
SSHRC PG awarded 2018: Although 99% of human history has been lived as foragers, little is known about the contributions and experiences of individuals in hunter-gatherer groups and their role in long-term patterns of culture diversity, change, stability and resilience. We will examine these...
SSRHC IG awarded 2021: "Kidless Lit" seeks to expand and historicize the existing conversations about childlessness in both popular and scholarly discourses. In order to address both popular and scholarly audiences about this topic of great public interest, the project foregrounds writing as both...
SSHRC Awarded CG 2015: "Memory Economies" will be a two-day symposium, hosted by the University of Alberta's Departments of English & Film Studies and Women's & Gender Studies on September 4-5, 2015. It is designed to contribute new concepts and theorizations to the multidisciplinary field of...
SSHRC IDG Awarded 2018: The research seeks to disrupt settler, colonial, race-based understandings of the Métis-as-mixed and as victims of fragmented social geographies, by applying a place-based analysis of Métis peoplehood. Drawing on methods from Archaeology, History, Women's Studies, and...
Native Hawaiian Responses to 18th and 19th Century Leisure Discourses and their Haunting Consequences
SSHRC Awarded IDG 2015: The project focuses on historical analysis of indigenous Hawaiians' [Kanaka Maoli] submissions to Hawaiian language newspapers (1834 - 1948). In 19th century Hawaii, missionaries' leisure-discourses were intimately connected with colonial structures and judgments about...
Object Lives and Global Histories in Northern North America: Networks, Localities and Material Culture c. 1700s-2000s
Whitelaw, Anne, Lemire, Beverly
SSHRC Awarded PDG 2014: This project will establish a new partnership among selected university and museum institutions in Canada and England. Our aim is to illuminate, in new ways, the global circulation of material culture from and through northern North America - and the ways in which this...
SSHRC Awarded IG 2016: My research is directed at clarifying the familiar, but poorly understood notions of passion, power and representation. These concepts play distinct roles in diverse branches of philosophy, but they intersect naturally in several places, and examined together, they may...