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  • 2016-01-01

    Refai, Razim

    Taken at Fort Providence, North West Territories, this image captures the interaction between the smoke from an extinguished forest fire and light from the sun. The research being carried out involved developing a sensor to estimate the energy released from forest fires that occur every summer...

  • 2016-01-01

    Duncan, Alexandra

    The neurodiversity and disability rights movements recognize that there are multiple ways of being, thinking, and perceiving in the world. Thanks to the development of Contemporary Disability Arts since the 1980s, disabled and neurodivergent artists have been creating and sharing their diverse...

  • 2016-01-01

    Marino, Angela

    The motivation behind my research is my mother's Multiple Sclerosis; she has had this disease since 2009 which has affected her mental and physical state of being. Living with a person who has MS changes the way you perceive what it means to be present. They are never again perceived as they once...

  • 2016-01-01

    Stockdale, Chris

    The Mountain Legacy Project, the largest repeat photography collection in the world, has more than 6,000 images repeated to date. Previously it was not possible to precisely measure how much and where this change had occurred using oblique angle photographs such as these.  I have developed a...

  • 2016-01-01

    Street, Christianne

    Oil and gas resources are solar energy reserves from prehistoric times, which we use everyday to power our lives. In many cases, these resources are non-renewable, but what if it were possible to recover and reuse some? In the Innovative Process Lab of the Natural Resources Engineering Facility...

  • 2016-01-01

    Lillico, Dustin

    My work is focused on understanding how immune cells manipulate their plasma membranes to capture and subsequently engulf large particulate targets. This cellular process is called phagocytosis and in general can be thought of as immune-cell eating. Vital for pathogen removal from the body,...

  • 2016-01-01

    Wang, Yiyu

    This micrograph, taken by a scanning electron microscope, shows the fracture surface (magnified × 1000) of a failed pressure vessel component joint used in fossil fired power plants. It presents the history of this failure. Industrial incidents of the welded structure components can cause huge...

  • 2016-01-01

    Pasarj, Phuwadet

    Dramatized self portrait of myself working late in a medical research lab, diving into our liquid chromatography cabinet. Liquid chromatography units are often used to purify enzymes and bioactive molecules for medical research throughout the university. I purify proteins and enzymes to screen...

  • 2016-01-01

    Cruikshank, Stephen

    The following image reveals the contradictions of Cuban society: the incredible architectural aesthetics, for example seen in the figure of the Havana Capital (el Capitolio) here and the deterioration and impoverishment of the capital city depicted in the dark garbage ridden streets. Light and...

  • 2016-01-01

    Perez, Hector

    Infrared thermography is a non-invasive technique of thermal visualization by which temperatures are monitored and recorded. It is used to measure heat radiated from a surface which is then displayed as a temperature distribution image. Infrared pictures provide real-time data for various...

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