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  • 2017-01-16

    Adrian Emberley

    My work is about the exploration of everyday-life, colour and the imagination. Making paintings is my way of understanding the dynamic and ever-changing sociological, cultural, and digital fabric of North American society. My practice involves creating a poetic network of images that utilize a...

  • 2017-09-14

    Michael JH Woolley

    This thesis examines issues of performance art documentation. An art historical survey contextualizes performance art practice and theory, situating the contradicting nature of performance art as a medium that both requires documentation while also denying its possibility. A detailed case study...

  • 2017-02-21

    Angela Snieder

    How can we think about the relationship between physical and psychological spaces? Obscura explores the possibility that the intersection of the two can foster deeply contemplative experiences, and enable attentive and empathetic consideration of our relationship with the world. The works in the...

  • 2017-09-29

    Siyi Xie

    Public transit system is the pulse of urban life. City planners are seeking solutions to promote public transit due to insufficient capacity of the road network and related environmental problems. Cycling, as one of the energy efficient transport modes, has high potential to improve...

  • 2017-12-19

    Carson Wronko

    Canadiana: Wilderness Weirdness provides a distinctive design through form, detail and handcraft. The practice of object making utilizes traditional pairings of domestic materials with traditional and contemporary manufacturing processes, resulting in objects that reference the Canadian...

  • 2017-01-01

    McTavish, Lianne

    This is a pre-publication version of the refereed article published as: Lianne McTavish, “Curating and the End of the Professions,” Journal of Curatorial Studies, 6, 2 Special Issue, Curatorial Studies: Situations, Issues, Prospects (Fall 2017), 181-93.

  • 2017-02-22

    Miriam Rudolph

    disPOSSESSION is a body of work that explores the accumulation of wealth of few and the displacement of many with a focus on the expansion of soy and beef production, ensuing environmental, social, and economic consequences, as well as connected indigenous land rights and peasant food sovereignty...

  • 2017-12-18

    Noemi de Bruijn

    We are in a field. It is dark outside and the only sounds are of the trees and grass rustling in the wind. A vigilant light is visible from a house window. It stands out in the darkness. We are drawn to it. The point of interest is the window itself and its capacity to show both the exterior as...

  • 2017-09-28

    Bahaa Harmouche

    The marginalization of gay youth living with HIV (GYLWH) in Lebanese society is well documented. The topic of gay youth living with HIV in a deeply conservative and homophobic society has not been studied in any great depth. The story of gay youth in Lebanon is one of the stigmatization...

  • 2017-12-21

    TJ McLachlan

    Window Dressing is an exhibition that makes a public display of systemic privilege with a particularly careful eye to the way privilege is constructed, maintained and perpetuated by systems. Privilege is made material in the space of the gallery through the use of 'display' as a controlling...

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