Skip to Search Results- 2Atai, Ali Asghar.
- 2Belay, Tsegay
- 2Bhaduri,Swayamdipta
- 2Brenneis, Dylan
- 2Carrigy, Nicholas B.
- 2Chen, Jie
Transport and deposition of particles onto homogeneous and chemically heterogeneous porous media geometries
DownloadFall 2011
Particle transport and deposition in porous media are central to a wide gamut of natural and engineering processes. In order to establish optimal macroscopic performance, it is essential to understand the microscopic colloid transport fundamentals that ultimately manifest at the macroscopic...
Transport of Bubbles and Oil Droplets Rising in a Net Co-F1ow through a Rectangular Confinement
DownloadFall 2018
The passage of air bubbles and oil droplets with five net co-flow through a vertical straight rectangular flow channel is investigated experimentally and theoretically in this research. A flow channel, varying from 22 mm × 5.84 mm to 3 mm × 5.84 mm (width × thickness) cross-sectional geometry was...
Spring 2015
Steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) method is the main oil extraction method in Alberta that produces a huge volume of waste water. This thesis is focused on investigating the viability of membrane processes, as emerging water treatment technologies, for treatment of SAGD produced water. Three...
Fall 2015
Superhydrophobic surfaces are proven to be capable of reducing the skin friction in laminar and turbulent flows. These surfaces consist of micro/nano-scale hydrophobic roughness features which make the surface render a non-wetting property due to the entrainment of air pockets between the solid...
Fall 2024
The turbulent structures of Taylor-Couette (T-C) flow of a Polyacrylamide (PAM) solution (200 and 400 ppm) is experimentally investigated and compared with the same flow with water at Re = 1.50 × 104, to understand the effect of nonlinear shear-thinning viscosity on the flow regime, in terms of...
Fall 2022
The flow structure in turbulent Taylor vortex flow (TTV) was investigated in Newtonian and shear-thinning fluids. The radius ratio of the investigated case is η=0.76, and the aspect ratio of the experimental setup is 10.32. First, detailed velocity measurements of the time-averaged azimuthal and...