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Evaluating child-friendly spaces: Insights from a participatory mixed methods study of a municipality's preschool free-play environments
Nykiforuk, Candace, Hewes, Jane, Belon, Ana Paula, Paradis, Doreen, Gallagher, Erin, Gokiert, Rebecca, Bisanz, Jeffrey, Nieuwendyk, Laura
Free play, play controlled by the player(s), is an essential and positive determinant of children’s social, physical, and emotional health. Ensuring opportunities for dynamic free play in rich physical and social environments is foundational to a child-friendly community. This paper discusses...
Evaluation Capacity Network: Aligning Evaluative Thinking and Practice among Early Childhood Stakeholders
SSHRC Awarded PDG 2014. The project will enhance an emerging partnership between the province, community, funding agencies, and academic stakeholders. The partnership is focused on creating evaluation-based capacity and aligning evaluative thinking in the field of Early Childhood Development....
SSHRC Awarded PG 2019: Evidence demonstrates that children’s early experiences and environments profoundly impact their development, making early childhood a priority across Canada. Despite significant investment in early childhood programs, indicators have persistently revealed shortfalls....
SSHRC Awarded PG 2019: Children's early experiences and environments profoundly impact their development and the economic and social fabric of our communities. Given this knowledge, early childhood is a priority across Canada. Despite significant investment in early childhood in recent decades,...
Insight Grant funded in 2017. the world of the present is a 'Petroculture', where cultural, economic, ideological, legal and political relationships --locally and globally-- have been shaped by oil and its networks of power. Energy transition demands social transformation. This research is...
SSHRC Awarded PG-Letter of Intent (stage 1) 2014 and invited to stage 2: Our central objective directly confronts the following question: Can urban agriculture make a substantial contribution to urban food security in a culturally appropriate and ecologically sustainable manner? What would an...
SSHRC Invited PG; not funded (2014): Can urban agriculture make a substantial contribution to urban food security in a culturally appropriate and ecologically sustainable manner? What would an agri-food system that enhances urban food security and ecological sustainability look like, and what...
SSHRC Awarded IG 2018. The study builds on two exploratory community-based, participatory research (CBPR) projects with Syrian refugees. Guided by CBPR, and using ethnographic data collection and analysis methods, we examine the psychosocial adaption and integration of 8 diverse Syrian refugee...