Pathways to the Premiership: Representation, Motivation and Impact of Women Premiers in Canada and Australia
- Author(s) / Creator(s)
SSHRC Awarded PDG 2017: This new partnership between university and government institutions will illuminate women's access to and impact in political leadership roles. We plan to achieve this objective by exhaustively detailing and comparing the representative contexts, pathways to the premiership, power and tenure, and impact of the 14 female premiers and a paired sample of 14 equivalent male premiers in Canada and Australia. Personal interviews with women premiers will reveal their motivations and the obstacles and opportunities encountered along the pathway to power. When analyzed together, these rich quantitative and qualitative databases allow us to test a series of theoretical propositions about political career paths and representative impact, offering practical insights and strategies for political parties and community organizations devoted to achieving equality in political representation.
- Date created
- 2016-11-28
- Subjects / Keywords
- Partnership Development
- Public Opinion
- Canada
- Gender
- Politics
- 2017
- Media Coverage
- Power
- Elections Studies
- Public Administration
- Government
- Political Parties
- Successful SSHRC Application
- Women Politicians
- Federalism
- Electoral Politics
- Political Representation
- Media Representation
- Comparative Analysis
- Career Paths
- Women Premiers
- 1980-2020
- Political Communication
- Public Perception
- Comparative Politics
- Mixed Methods
- Political Science
- Party Politics
- Parliamentary Systems
- Australia
- Women Studies
- Leadership
- Canada
- Australia
- Type of Item
- Research Material