Communities and Collections

  • Drama, Department of

    The Department of Drama at the University of Alberta combines graduate research, professional practice, and liberal arts study to offer a vibrant learning environment. We offer diverse and inclusive avenues of artistic inquiry supported by collaborative interplay among programs. We are committed to practical training and research into the nature of theatre itself. Our areas of research are performance practice, performance production, and performance studies.

    • Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of

      The Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences houses a wide variety of state-of-the-art facilities to support research in a broad spectrum of fields. Earth & Atmospheric Sciences department has grown to more than 50 faculty members, and over 120 graduate students, and is recognized for its scholarly achievement, excellence in teaching and research, and service to the community. One of the largest and best supported departments in Canada, it has an international reputation for leading-edge research.

      • East Asian Studies, Department of

        Since 1961, the University of Alberta has offered regular East Asian courses, making our program one of the oldest in Western Canada. The University of Alberta's Department of East Asian Studies offers degree programs in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese languages, linguistics, and literature.

        • Economics, Department of

          The Department of Economics at the University of Alberta was established in 1964. The Department is home to approximately 27 full-time faculty whose research activities cover a broad spectrum of topics, including: Resource Economics; Environmental Economics; Public Finance; International and Financial Market Economics; Applied Macroeconomics; Industrial Organization; Labour Economics; and Sports and Gaming Economics.

          • Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers (EMCN)

            The Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers (EMCN) is an immigrant settlement agency whose focus is the successful and integrative settlement of newcomers to Edmonton. The agency operates in an inclusive environment, with a welcoming atmosphere and a holistic approach to settlement practices. EMCN offers comprehensive settlement services, including support for the most basic of needs as well as more intensive support for newcomers with multiple barriers. EMCN revolves its practices around the values of social justice, diversity, compassion, and responsibility, and strives to achieve these values while improving the quality of life for all newcomers and Canadians alike.

            • Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)

              The Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC) is an independent, charitable non-profit, social research and advocacy organization. We are particularly interested in the areas of low income and poverty in Edmonton. The ESPC is dedicated to encouraging the adoption of equitable social policy, supporting the work of other organizations who are striving to improve the lives of Edmontonians, and educating the public regarding the social issues that impact them on a daily basis.

              • Educational Policy Studies, Department of

                The Department of Educational Policy Studies offers master's and doctoral programs in the following specialized areas of study: Adult, Community and Higher Education; Educational Administration and Leadership; Indigenous Peoples Education; and Social Justice and International Studies in Education as well as a post-baccalaureate certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. The Department of Educational Policy Studies strives to develop critical and creative scholars who have a substantive understanding of the important systemic and contextual factors that bear upon Canadian and international education.

                • Educational Psychology, Department of

                  Educational psychology is a branch of psychology, it is the scientific study of theories and principles related to human learning. Programs in Educational Psychology include: Psychological Studies in Education, Counselling Psychology, Measurement, Evaluation, and Data Science, Special Education, School and Clinical Child Psychology, School Counselling, Teaching English as a Second Language and Technology in Education Specialization

                  • Education, Faculty of

                    The Faculty of Education is committed to the discovery and dissemination of knowledge about teaching and learning. We promote the view that to be a professional educator is to continue to question, to reflect, to seek knowledge, and to be open to change.

                    • Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of

                      Our world is shaped by the technology around us. We can easily illuminate darkness, instantly communicate with the other side of the globe, and effortlessly diagnose complex medical problems. At the forefront of this technological revolution stand engineers.

                      The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alberta helps students develop the skills they need to dream of and invent the technology of the future. Offering both undergraduate and graduate programs, ECE is a leader in engineering education in Canada. We offer students a unique hands-on experience in state-of-the-art labs and instruction from our award-winning faculty

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