Images of Research Competition 2017

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  • 2017-01-01

    Poitras, Trevor

    The peripheral nervous system is capable of regeneration, however often times, the regeneration is limited and incomplete. Injury sustained to the peripheral nervous system is acquired through physical insult to the nerves, or through pathophysiological manifestations called neuropathies. My work...

  • 2017-01-01

    Sims, Ashley

    Historians rely overwhelmingly on written sources as their principal evidence. They then take that evidence and add more text, using layers of interpretation, analysis, and argument in order to examine and explain past events. My doctoral dissertation explores consumer behaviour in 17th-century...

  • 2017-01-01

    Jean, Francesca

    Human mutations in the gene unc119 result in retinal degeneration that can eventually lead to colour and night vision loss and in extreme cases, blindness. Yet, it isn't known how unc119 functions in the retina and why mutations cause retinal disease. The goal of my project is to use the...

  • 2017-01-01

    Vokey, M

    Man’s best friend has been known for centuries as the loving, furry dog. Humans have created a strong, unique bond exclusive to canines. The characteristic of caring makes this partnership desirable. A person yearns for the free-zone a dog provides, free from judgement, criticism, rejection,...

  • 2017-01-01

    Madueke , Sylvia Ijeoma

    Here is a visual representation of a ‘domesticated’ Nigerian Igbo society as it is often constructed through the process of interlingual translation—a traditional Igbo chief bears French baguettes instead of the ofo (sacred symbol), a village town-crier who plays a French tambourine in lieu...

  • 2017-01-01

    Thera, Becky

    The intent of my research is to engage in a conversation about the complexities of sexual violence, related trauma and patriarchal systems. My research is conducted through artistic creation, as it has the capacity to address this complicated social issue with humanity and emotion. This image is...

  • 2017-01-01

    Pohlod , Meghan

    I am a visual artist working in print media and installation practices examining the body as interior and exterior space in order to question what happens with traumatic memory when triggered by image, place and time. I am concerned with the trauma of abandonment and desire to understand my own...

  • 2017-01-01

    Kerr, Shaun

    When an ultra-intense laser hits a solid target, jets of particles stream off in all directions. Hydrogen, as the lightest element, gets preferentially accelerated, resulting in proton beams. These beams have many potential applications, from medical radiotherapy to fusion energy. The study of...

  • 2017-01-01

    de Bruijn, Noemi

    My work/research focuses on our relationship with the environment. I'm concerned with what I call nature-culture dislocation. This relates to how we have distanced and mediated ourselves as a culture from the realities of the planet we live on. We curate everything that surrounds us, and...

  • 2017-01-01

    Gibson, Carolyn

    Each summer as air temperatures rise amongst the midnight sun, permafrost begins to thaw top down. This thawing is short lived though as fall’s cool breath begins to show itself in late August and these soils refreeze as the long winter sets in. Understanding what controls the depth of this top...

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