Noemi_de Bruijn_Nameplate_Prize Info.pdf

Wonder-trail in Blue and Yellow

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • My work/research focuses on our relationship with the environment. I'm concerned with what I call nature-culture dislocation. This relates to how we have distanced and mediated ourselves as a culture from the realities of the planet we live on. We curate everything that surrounds us, and photography is a great example of how this presents itself in modern life. I use photographs taken by myself or others and then work into them using print, painting, or drawing media. I also draw inspiration from topographical maps. I find that the contrast of art and science languages reflect the dislocation I speak of in my research. I enjoy to further exemplify this through altering the horizon lines of the landscape, hopefully enticing the viewer to have a second look and to reconsider what they are seeing in the imagery. For that moment I feel that I have achieved a reconnection to the landscape and the land, and that (I feel) makes my work worthwhile. // Program of Study: Master's // Faculty/Department: Art & Design // Place of creation: Image taken at Abraham Lake, Alberta and developed at the University of Alberta // Award: Third Prize Prize, Images of Research Competition 2017

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    Attribution 4.0 International