Working Papers (Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology)
The purpose of the Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology "Working Paper" series is to provide a forum to accelerate the presentation of issues, concepts, ideas and research results within the academic and professional community. Working Papers are published without peer review.
Items in this Collection
- 26Adamowicz, Wiktor
- 17Unterschultz, Jim
- 14Veeman, Michele M.
- 9Jeffrey, Scott
- 8Boxall, Peter C.
- 8Luckert, Martin K.
- 105Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology, Department of
- 105Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology, Department of/Working Papers (Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology)
- 1Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology, Department of/Project Reports (Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology)
"Here It Is Our Land, The Two of Us": Women, Men and Land in a Zimbabwean Resettlement Area
This paper is based on field world undertaken in Sengezi Resettlement Area (Hwedza District) during 1995-7. The research was qualitative in nature, beginning with Participatory Rural Appraisal workshops (PRA), which led to the development of five different formal interview schedules for villagers...
"Then It's Clear Who Owns the Trees": Evaluating Privitization in the Social Forest in a Zimbabwean Resettlement Area
The value that associates private property regimes with better management of arable land played a consistent role in colonial policy and practice in \"African\" areas of Southern/Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). In the woodlands, however, common property management systems characterized African areas. This...
Gubanova, Tatiana, McMillan, Melville, Adamowicz, Wiktor
Hypothetical bias arises when values which people say they place on a good or service differ systematically from the values people reveal for the same good or service through actual, binding economic transactions. Studies of hypothetical bias with respect to public goods often use charitable...
A Coevolutionary Approach to Understanding the Paradox of Social Pressures versus Economic Efficiency Across the World's Food Chains
Ng, Desmond, Westgate, Randall E., Sonka, Steven
In recent years considerable social pressure has been brought to bear on commodity food chains throughout the world. Events such as the introduction of bioengineered crops, the discovery of BSE in beef and instances of food contamination directly leading to human illness have focused attention on...
Solomonovich, M., Schilizzi, Steven, Freedman, H.I., Apedaile, L. Peter
The problem is to explore the possible coordinates and stability conditions for equilibria between agricultural wealth and industrial wealth generation and distribution processes. Instability of the equilibria may establish the possibility of moving along trajectories to preferred positions. The...
According to socio-cognitive models in organizational theory literature, managers share similar mental models or cognitive maps of the competitiveness of firms in an industry. Managers are increasingly challenged to understand rapidly changing market settings, where their competitive position is...
A Stated Preference Analysis of International Commodity Marketing: South Korean Hotel Meat Buyers' Perceptions of Canadian Beef, US Beef and Australian Beef
Kim, Renee B., Veeman, Michele M., Unterschultz, Jim, Quagrainie, Kwamena K.
Since the late 1980s, South Korea has become one of the most affluent and influential Asian countries. Korean consumers' food demands are changing with their increased income. Beef consumption has continuously grown since the reopening of the market to beef imports in 1988. Potential exists for...
Veeman, Michele M., White, R. McKay
This paper reports on a review of literature in the form of academic papers and published research on ethical and consumer issues for GM crops in North America, with particular emphasis on GM wheat. The issues raised in these papers and the findings and arguments posed by the authors are...
Raghu, Prabhakaran T., Swallow, Brent M., Manaloor, Varghese, Kalaiselvan, N.N., Mahana, Rajakishor, Arunraj, R., Gurumoorthy, Venkatesan, Tigga, Seema, Misra, Chaudhury Shripati, Siddick, S. Abubacker, Nambi, V. Arivudai, Oliver, E. D. Israel, Gopi, Girigan, Ndlovu, Patrick
The Alleviating Poverty and Malnutrition in Agrobiodiversity Hotspots (APM) project, jointly designed and implemented by the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) and the Faculty of Agriculture, Life, and Environmental Sciences at the University of Alberta (U of A), aims to address the...
An Annotated Bibliography of Crop Rotation and Tillage Literature With Special Emphasis on the Canadian Prairies
Jeffrey, Scott, Orlick, Charles C., Bauer, Leonard
This annotated bibliography was compiled during research project 94-092 funded by Farming for the Future. Some of these references were cited in the research and others simply provided background information. The references shown here are not meant to be a comprehensive listing of literature...