Journal Articles (History and Classics)
Items in this Collection
- 15Harvey, Craig A.
- 8Dominik Wujastyk
- 7Wujastyk, Dominik
- 6Reeves, M. Barbara
- 1Agathe Keller
- 1Clemency Montelle
- 11Roman Arabia
- 9Humayma
- 7Archaeology of Jordan
- 7Roman provinces
- 4Ceramic building materials
- 4Hypocaust
In 1995, archaeological excavation at the site of Humayma, in southern Jordan, uncovered a purse hoard of 28 late Roman bronze coins. Found on the edge of the settlement, adjacent to the Via Nova Traiana, the contents of this purse were likely lost at the end of the fourth century or in the early...
A Marble Statue Fragment of Victoria/Nike from Humayma, Jordan (Nabataean Hawara, Roman Hauarra)
This contribution presents a small fragment of carved white marble found at the site of Humayma (Nabataean Hawara/ Roman Hauarra), in what is now southern Jordan. Uncovered during excavation of the site’s Abbasid family’s qasr in 1993, this fragment is the frst and thus far only known example of...
Sanskrit manuscripts exist in such prolific abundance. Attempts to bring out census of medical science related manuscripts is a formidable task. Using estimated figures, there may exist as many as 100,000 Ayurvedic manuscripts containing scribal statements about ownership, chronology, and other...
This article presents a group of 57 Judaean and Nabataean bronze coins said to have been found on the Karpas Peninsula in Cyprus, donated to the ANS in 1978. Although the existence of this group has been mentioned by two prior publications, these coins are presented here for the first time fully...
A Preliminary Typology of Brick and Tubuli from the Late Roman Bath at ‘Ayn Gharandal, Jordan
During the 2015 field season of the ‘Ayn Gharandal Archaeological Project, excavators uncovered a large corpus of ceramic building materials from the heating system of the site’s late Roman bath. Such material typically receives little scholarly attention, yet its study can reveal a great deal...
A Typological Assessment of the Nabatae- an, Roman and Byzantine Ceramic Building Materials at al-Ḥumayma and Wādī Ramm
Reeves, M. Barbara, Harvey, Craig A.
Ceramic building materials such as bricks, pipes and roof tiles are commonly found on Jordanian archaeological sites, yet generally these materials have generated very little interest from archaeologists1. This lack of study is unfortunate given that, just like any other artifacts, the appearance...
John Lavagnino & Dominik Wujastyk
EDMAC is a set of plain TEX macros providing the ability to format critical editions of texts in the traditional way, i.e., similar to the Oxford Classical Texts, Teubner, Arden Shakespeare and other series. The principal functions that are added are marginal line numbering and multiple series of...