
A Marble Statue Fragment of Victoria/Nike from Humayma, Jordan (Nabataean Hawara, Roman Hauarra)

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • This contribution presents a small fragment of carved white marble found at the site of Humayma (Nabataean Hawara/
    Roman Hauarra), in what is now southern Jordan. Uncovered during excavation of the site’s Abbasid family’s qasr in 1993, this fragment is the frst and thus far only known example of marble fgural sculpture from Humayma. It is therefore a signifcant addition to the limited corpus of marble sculpture in this part of the Roman Empire and contributes greatly to our understanding of the sculptural landscape of the site itself. Although poorly preserved, enough of the carved drapery survives to identify the depicted fgure as a gliding Victoria/Nike. This fragment’s discovery in a secondary context prevents a frm understanding of its original use and display. Regional comparanda, however, suggest that this statue, which likely dates to the frst three centuries AD, may have been part of a public display at a sanctuary or may have stood within the Roman fort on site.

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  • Type of Item
    Article (Published)
  • DOI
  • License
    © 2024 Austrian Archaeological Institute
  • Language
  • Citation for previous publication
    • C. A. Harvey. 2024. “A Marble Statue Fragment of Victoria/Nike from Humayma, Jordan (Nabataean Hawara, Roman Hauarra).” In G. Kremer, F. Beutler, J. Kopf, and F. Beutler (eds.) Zeit(en) des Umbruchs – Time(s) of transition and change, Akten des 17. Internationalen Kolloquiums zum provinzialrömischen Kunstschaffen, Wien – Carnuntum, 16.–21. Mai 2022. Vienna: Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut.
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