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  • Fall 2021

    Umezurike, Uchechukwu Peter

    to be a man or a woman by articulating new ways of doing masculinity and femininity and challenging a culture that discriminates against its citizens based on sex, gender, or sexual orientation. Motivated by questions of a shared human vulnerability, my research also shows how these writers (re

    )imagine what it means to be human while contesting the valorization of gender or sexual identities. The writers create characters whose receptiveness, I argue, defines their relations to the other, affirming an affinity with the other. While research on African masculinities is grounded mainly in

    ethnographic, anthropological, or psychological analysis and aims at health and policy development programs, my research emphasizes a literary critique of Nigerian men and women that extends our understanding beyond the gender binary. Postcolonial, feminist, and queer theories frame my study. I draw on ideas

  • Spring 2022

    Okungbowa, Eki

    postcolonial feminist approach, this study helps to diversify the literature by presenting the perspectives of 11 parents with traditional and postcolonial African worldviews who have migrated to Canada. With the purpose of examining gender-based parenting practices of African refugees in Alberta, Canada, this

    study drew upon existing interviews from a larger study focused on gender relations in African immigrant families. The study used interpretative phenomenological analysis informed by three theoretical frameworks (transnationalism, postcolonial feminism, and intersectionality) to generate three themes

    social supports for adjusting to new gender roles and relations in cultural traditions, family life, and parenting challenges typical in their post-migration experiences. Implications for childcare, community, and workplace supports to help African refugees successfully manage the higher risk of facing a

  • 2024-03-22

    Freeman-Lau, Danika

    Inequalities in gender and cultural representation are still prevalent throughout much of society and although these issues are becoming more widely recognized, progress in these areas has been largely stagnant. In recent years, Hollywood has been faced with strong public backlash and increased

    pressure to show a commitment to improving diversity within gender and cultural representation. However, it is not enough to just improve the quantity of representation, the quality has to be improved as well. This study aims to understand how improve the quality of gender and cultural representation by

    forward. The results showed that on-screen representation lacks authenticity if it is not supported with appropriate representation behind the screen as well. Further analysis showed that in order to achieve appropriate representation, the intersectionality of gender and culture must be considered because

  • Spring 2023

    Scheuneman Scott, Isabel MS

    criminology, Indigenous studies, women’s and gender studies, cultural studies, and the sociology of punishment to explore Indigenous women’s experiences of criminalization and victimization as well as their resistance and resilience. By bringing incarcerated Indigenous women’s knowledges and perspectives to

  • 2019-10-01

    Hughes, Karen

    survey. Our approach will generate a unique data source, novel analysis, and excellent training opportunities for graduate students through four interrelated studies. Study 1 will examine gender gaps in performance between women and men entrepreneurs, using intersectional analysis and broader spectrum of

  • Spring 2016

    Clune-Taylor, Catherine E

    at securing cisgendered futures for patients unable to provide informed consent. These include not only pediatric management strategies for intersexed children, but also certain efforts used to treat children diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria (GD). Motivated by critiques of both the DSD treatment model

    from cultural concerns regarding gender and identity, the latter of which were seen as motivating and justifying these surgeries. Unfortunately, this strategy appears to have failed and almost a decade after the adoption of DSD, it is accepted within the literature that the genital normalization of

    sex/gender and impairment/disability—as well as the adoption of a sovereign or juridico-deductive account of power. This conceptual scheme misrepresents the ways in which medical knowledge/power functions to render certain lives unliveable, and obscures the historical constitution of sex/gender and

  • Fall 2009

    Thibodeau, Betty Ann Marie

    Purpose: The relationship between severity of voiding dysfunction and quality of life in children with daytime wetting was analyzed. Materials and Methods: The relationship between age, gender, severity of voiding dysfunction (measured by DVSS) and quality of life (measured by PinQ) in the child

    parent total DVSS scores based on gender. Only Gender with Parental Total DVSS Score (r = 0.462, p = 0.023) and Child Total DVSS Score with Parent Total DVSS Scores (r = 0.472, p = 0.020) were significant correlations. Conclusions: Results illustrate the importance of early

  • Fall 2014

    Bench, Clayton H.

    The general purpose of this study is to explore the discourses that guided and constrained the textual production and reproduction of 2 Kings 11, the report of Jehoiada’s coup and Athaliah’s execution. The specific aim of this study is to determine how and why Athaliah’s execution was not...

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