Skip to Search Results- 998Bryan, Dr. Alan L.
- 998Gruhn, Dr. Ruth
- 998University of Alberta Department of Anthropology
- 650Ami, Dr. H. M.
- 351Hill Times Publishing
- 269Toronto Stock Exchange
- 707lithic tools
- 285Canada--Parliament--Periodicals
- 240Stock exchanges--Canada--Tables--Periodicals
- 236Toronto Stock Exchange--Periodicals
- 218scraper
- 181lithic debitage
- 1020Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), Faculty of
- 1020Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), Faculty of/Theses and Dissertations
- 1000Anthropology, Department of
- 998Anthropology, Department of/Bryan/Gruhn Archaeology Collection
- 752University of Alberta Libraries Licensed Resources
- 256University of Alberta Libraries Licensed Resources/Daily Record (Toronto Stock Exchange)
- 1103Image
- 1029Thesis
- 810Report
- 292Article (Published)
- 156Research Material
- 58Conference/Workshop Presentation
What is the food security status, self-rated health, and diet of students using a university-based food bank?
DownloadFall 2015
Background: Food insecurity is the limited or uncertain ability to obtain the quantity and/or quality of food that an individual or household needs. The topic of household food insecurity has been investigated in myriad vulnerable groups, including low-income families, women, black and Hispanic...
What Makes a Project Safe? Identifying the Impacts Factors Have on the Safety Performance of a Construction Site through Use of Artificial Neural Networks
DownloadSpring 2015
What makes a construction project safe? This question prompted this research project. The goal was to identify factors and quantify their impact on the safety performance of construction projects. The first step in achieving this goal was to research key performance indicators in the area of...
What the Puck? The Gentle Wind Project, a Quasi-Religious New Age Alternative Healing Organization
DownloadFall 2015
The quasi-religious space is important for examining groups and organizations that exhibit qualities of both the sacred and the secular, particularly when groups have a vested interest in being perceived as either secular or sacred. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the Gentle Wind...
What to do When Everyone Wants You to Collaborate: Managing the Demand for Library Support in Systematic Review Searching
Dorgan, Marlene, Campbell, Sandy
The demand for systematic review support in academic health sciences libraries is increasing. To manage the demand, the John W. Scott Health Sciences Library at the University of Alberta has created an action plan consisting of eight strategies. The results of implementing these strategies have...
When Institutions Bend But Do Not Break: The Institutional Accommodation of Open Access in Scientific Publishing
DownloadFall 2015
Over the past two decades, institutional scholars have been fascinated by the processes and mechanisms through which institutions -- the durable socio-cultural structures that “provide meaning and stability to social life” (Scott, 2008: 48)-- change. The literature on institutional change is vast...
When is a Choice not a Choice? Pigeons Fail to Inhibit Incorrect Responses on a Go/No-Go Midsession Reversal Task
When is a Choice not a Choice? Pigeons Fail to Inhibit Incorrect Responses on a Go/No-Go Midsession Reversal Task
Neil McMillan, Christopher B. Sturdy & Marcia L. Spetch
In a two-stimulus visual discrimination choice task with a reversal in reward contingencies midway through each session, pigeons produce a surprising number of both anticipatory errors (i.e., responding to the second-correct stimulus before the reversal) and perseverative errors (i.e., responding...
Who Won the Battle of Village Lake Louise? Park Planning, Tourism Development, and the Downhill Ski Industry in Banff National Park, 1964-1979
DownloadFall 2015
This study explores the history of stakeholder politics in the controversial debates over proposed plans for Village Lake Louise. A new ski resort village plan proposed for Banff National Park in 1971 triggered intense debate and mobilized protests from the Canadian public. Public consultation...