Skip to Search Results- 141Tracking Change
- 43Tracking Change/Conference Presentations/Posters
- 25Tracking Change/Teaching Resources/Toolkits
- 24Tracking Change/Administrative Reports
- 21Tracking Change/Newsletters/Media
- 20Tracking Change/Research Toolkits/Case Studies
- 56Parlee, Brenda
- 24Karsgaard, Carrie; Mackay, Mackenzie; Catholique, Alexandria
- 12Tracking Change
- 6D'Souza, Amabel
- 4Howlett, Tracy; Parlee, Brenda
- 4Parlee, Brenda; Maloney, Elaine
- 13Local and Traditional Knowledge
- 9Tracking Change
- 9Watershed Governance
- 8Mackenzie River Basin, Canada
- 4LTK
- 3Amazon Basin, Brazil
Experiential Science 30: Disturbance and Development: Student Handout: How to Conduct an Interview
Karsgaard, Carrie; Mackay, Mackenzie; Catholique, Alexandria
Provides directives and best practices in developing questions and planning interviews.
Experiential Science 30: Disturbance and Development: Student Handout: Hydroelectric Damming Case Study
Karsgaard, Carrie; Mackay, Mackenzie; Catholique, Alexandria
Hydro dams are a great source for renewable energy in regions where water is plentiful. They use the force of running water to generate energy through dams across rivers. Hydropower is a replacement for harmful fossil fuels that contribute to climate change, positively impacting the health of the...
Karsgaard, Carrie; Mackay, Mackenzie; Catholique, Alexandria
Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth such as metals, precious gems, coal, gravel, and more. Mining also includes the extraction of non-renewable resources such as petroleum and natural gas. Mining is a human activity that is a large part of...
Karsgaard, Carrie; Mackay, Mackenzie; Catholique, Alexandria
A learning tool (table) students can use to record information as they read through the case study, and refer back to it when they make their presentation.
Karsgaard, Carrie; Mackay, Mackenzie; Catholique, Alexandria
Fish are an important part of many people’s diets, and having reliable access to fish in a nearby waterway is an important part of many communities’ health and food security. While western science provides important information about local fish resources, fishers and Indigenous peoples have been...
Gaja-Svasti, Sirasak; Manorom, Kanokwan; Baird, Ian
This research examines the consumption of fish by communities living along the Mun River. The objective is to analyze how and why consumption has changed in the area. Results show that communities have been impacted by development in their region and have had to adapt aspects of their food...
Fishers’ Knowledge Identifies Potential Socio-Ecological Impacts Downstream of a Proposed Dam in a Tropical River
Runde, Anne; Hallwass, Gustavo; Silvano, Renato A.M.
Brazil’s hydroelectricity sector is rapidly expanding. Impacts of dams on fisheries downstream have been overlooked by impact assessments. The objective of this research is to analyse the socio-ecological vulnerability of small-scale fisheries located downstream from the proposed São Luis...
The Mekong River, flowing 4909 KM through China, Myanmar, Thailand, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Cambodia and Vietnam, is one of the greatest river systems in the world. It has great productivity and seasonal variation that provides rich biodiversity for over 60 million people living in the...
Wongpinij, Wannapa; Manorom, Kanokwan
This research aims to study the dynamics of women and men ’s knowledge of folk fishery from the past and present, to predict the future of fishery trends, and to study different conditions creation, dynamic, transmission and the utilization of women and men ’s local fishery knowledge. The results...