Skip to Search Results- 2Wu, Nathanael Lap-Yan
- 1Achal, Roshan
- 1Baillie, Devin MJ
- 1Binkhathlan, Ziyad
- 1Chung, Deborah K
- 1Epp, Eric
Spring 2010
Nanoscale patterning of organic molecules has received considerable attention in current nanoscience for a broad range of technological applications. In order to provide a viable approach, this thesis describes catalytic stamp lithography, a novel soft-lithographic process that can easily...
Spring 2020
On a perfect hydrogen-terminated Si(100)-2x1 surface, each surface silicon atom is capped with exactly one atom of hydrogen. When one of the capping hydrogen atoms is removed, the now unsatisfied orbital of the underlying silicon atom is exposed at that site. This site is better known as a...
Spring 2016
This thesis explores the dynamics and sensing performance of silicon quantum dot (SiQD) ensembles coupled to the whispering gallery modes (WGMs) of spherical and cylindrical microcavities. The first project investigated the possibility of observing Purcell effects in an ensemble of QDs coupled to...
Spring 2015
This thesis focuses on the photoluminescence (PL) of free-standing silicon quan- tum dots (QDs). Large changes in the emission spectrum were found to occur when the QDs were exposed to different environments while undergoing short-wavelength laser irradiation, a phenomenon that was the main focus...
Interfacing Silicon-Based Quantum Dots with Proteins for Biological and Sensing Applications
DownloadFall 2020
This dissertation presents the preparation of functional bioinorganic hybrids from silicon-based quantum dots (SiQDs) and enzymes and the use of SiQDs and green fluorescent protein as ratiometric photoluminescent sensors for nerve agents. Chapter 2 discusses the preparation of water-soluble...
Fall 2022
The work in this Thesis describes significant progress made in the field of frustrated Lewis pairs (FLPs) at the intersection between modern main group chemistry and materials chemistry. Mainly, this work focuses on the use of an intramolecular phosphine-borane FLP (namely, o-iPr2P(C6H4)BCy2 or...
Fall 2010
This thesis describes the fabrication and characterization of integrated hollow Bragg waveguides fabricated by controlled thin film buckling. Hollow waveguides based on two different set of materials were studied. In the first case, thermal tuning of air-core dimensions was studied using...
Miniaturization of Microwave to Millimeter-Wave Integrated Waveguides and their Applications
DownloadFall 2019
The integration of waveguide technology at the planar level has been a crucial development for the successful realization of 5G, the future fifth generation cellular network. The demand for mobile networks with faster speeds, lower latencies, and denser connectivity scenarios continues to drive...
Observing and Manipulating Single Electrons Confined to Silicon Dangling Bond Ensembles with Non-Contact Atomic Force Microscopy
DownloadFall 2018
Non-contact atomic force microscopy (nc-AFM) is capable of inducing and resolving single-electron charge transitions of surface adsorbates. Here, these techniques are extended by studying the charge configurations of dangling bond (DB) ensembles on the hydrogen-terminated silicon surface. nc-AFM...
Spring 2012
Fabrication of nanofeatures with precisely defined size and ordering is essential for a broad range of technologically important applications, including integrated circuit production. Self-organizing block copolymers are capable of patterning substrates with nanoscale precision. This thesis...